Getting information about Aspose.Font library

Experience seamless integration of Aspose.Font API Solution for JavaScript with C++. Easily access Product name, Version, License state information.


Within Aspose.Font API Solution for JavaScript you can get Product name, Version and license state of used library. Retrieving information About the used library can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • Version Compatibility: Developers can check if their code is compatible with the current version or if any updates are necessary to accommodate changes in the library.
  • Feature Availability: By knowing the version, developers can determine the features available and plan their implementation accordingly.
  • License Compliance: By checking the license state, developers can ensure that they are using the library in compliance with the licensing agreement. This includes verifying if the library is licensed or if additional licensing steps are required for commercial use.
  • Support and Maintenance: Knowing the product name and version can also help when seeking support or troubleshooting issues.

Getting 'About' information.

The example below shows how to get information about the library when loading a Java script.

Here AsposeFontAbout() method is called within Module_onRuntimeInitialized function to retrieve information about the Aspose.Font product. If there are no errors (errorCode == 0), it displays product information such as product name, version, and licensing status on an HTML element with the id ‘output’. Otherwise, it displays the error message.

Also, the library support Web Worker mode to improve the responsive performance of the user interface on a web page. Visit our Installation and running examples for more help to use. There you will find ready-made solutions for use in your projects.

Go to the Documentation for Javascript to get all the needed information to start working with the solution, Release Notes, Developer Guide, or Documentation for .NET - the Tutorials for the main features or the set of articles to teach you about font and other useful things.

<script type="text/javascript" async src="AsposeFontforJS.js" onload="onloadAsposeFontforJS();"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  var onloadAsposeFontforJS = function () {
    var Module_onRuntimeInitialized = Module['onRuntimeInitialized'];
    Module['onRuntimeInitialized'] = async function() {
        console.log('AsposeFontforJS has loaded');
        await Module_onRuntimeInitialized();
        //Get info about Product
        const json = AsposeFontAbout();
        if (json.errorCode == 0) document.getElementById('output').textContent = "Product      : " + json.product
                                                                             + "\nVersion      : " + json.version
                                                                             + "\nIs licensed  : " + json.islicensed;
        else document.getElementById('output').textContent = json.errorText;

</script >

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