Convertir USDZ a 3DS a través de C#

Exporte USDZ y otros 3D archivos usando .NET Framework, .NET Core y Mono

Exportar USDZ escena como 3DS con C#

  1. Cargue el archivo USDZ usando un constructor de Escena clase2. Llamar Escena.Guardar método
  2. Pase el nombre del archivo de salida con la extensión .3ds como primer parámetro
  3. Especifique el valor del campo Discreet3DS de Formato de archivo clase

3D Conversión de formato API for .NET

Instale desde la línea de comandos como nuget install Aspose.3d o a través de la consola del administrador de paquetes de Visual Studio con Install-Package Aspose.3D.

Como alternativa, obtenga el instalador MSI sin conexión o las DLL en un archivo ZIP de descargas .

C# Código para USDZ a 3DS Conversión

// carga el USDZ en un objeto de Escena 
var scene = new Aspose.ThreeD.Scene("template.usdz");
// guardar USDZ como 3DS 
scene.Save("output.3ds", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.Discreet3DS);

Other Conversion Options

USDZ TO OBJ (Wavefront 3D Object File)
USDZ TO PDF (Portable Document Format)
USDZ TO FBX (Autodesk FBX Interchange File)
USDZ TO GLTF (GL Transmission Format File)
USDZ TO DRC (Google Draco File Format)
USDZ TO ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange File)
USDZ TO DXF (Autodesk Drawing Exchange Format)

USDZ What is USDZ File Format?

A file with .usdz is an uncompressed and unencrypetd ZIP archive for the USD (Universal Scene Description) file format that contains and proxies for files of other formats (such as textures, and animations) embedded within the archive and runs them directly with the USD run-time without any need of unpacking. USDZ files are packages whose design is based on the new Ar-level abstraction of a package. Usdz was registered with IANA and has media type name of model and a subtype name of vnd.usd+zip and its details can be found as on IANA registration page.

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3DS What is 3DS File Format?

A file with .3ds extension represents 3D Sudio (DOS) mesh file format used by Autodesk 3D Studio. Autodesk 3D Studio has been in 3D file format market since 1990s and has now evolved to 3D Studio MAX for working with 3D modeling, animation and rendering. A 3DS file contains data for 3D representation of scenes and images and is one of the popular file formats for 3D data import and export. It considers information like camera locations, Mesh data, lighting information, viewport configurations, smoothing group data, bitmap references and attributes to create vertices and polygons for rendering a scene.

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