Product Family

Convert DXF to DRC via Java

DXF to DRC conversion using Java library without any 3D modeling software.

How to Convert DXF to DRC Using Java

In order to render DXF to DRC, we’ll use

Aspose.3D for Java

API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use conversion API for Java platform. You can download its latest version directly from

Aspose Maven Repository

and install it within your Maven-based project by adding the following configurations to the pom.xml.


<name>Aspose Java API</name>


<version>version of aspose-3d API</version>

Steps to Convert DXF to DRC via Java

Java programmers can easily convert DXF file to DRC in just a few lines of code.

  1. Load DXF file via the constructor of Scene class
  2. Create an instance of DrcSaveOptions
  3. Set DRC specific properties for advanced conversion
  4. Call method
  5. Pass the output path with DRC file extension & object of DrcSaveOptions

System Requirements

Before running the Java conversion code, make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with Java Runtime Environment for JSP/JSF Application and Desktop Applications.
  • Get latest version of Aspose.3D for Java directly from Maven.
  • Java 3D Scene Manipulation Library

    Aspose.3D is a CAD and Gameware API to load, modify and convert 3D files. API is a standalone and does not require any any 3D modeling or rendering software. One can easily use API for Discreet3DS, WavefrontOBJ, STL (ASCII, Binary), Universal3D, FBX (ASCII, Binary), Collada, glTF, PLY, GLB, DirectX and more formats.

    DXF What is DXF File Format?

    DXF, Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format, is a tagged data representation of AutoCAD drawing file. Each element in the file has a prefix integer number called a group code. This group code actually represents the element that follows and indicates the meaning of a data element for a given object type. DXF makes it possible to represent almost all user-specified information in a drawing file. DXF file format was developed by Autodesk as CAD data file format for data interoperability between AutoCAD and other applications. Thus, data can be imported from other formats to DXF to AutoCAD as per the DXF file format interoperability specifications.

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    DRC What is DRC File Format?

    A file with .drc extension is a compressed 3D file format created with Google Draco library. Google offers Draco as open source library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds, and improves storage and transmission of 3D graphics. It encodes the input data and saves it as .drc file. At the receiving end, the API reads .drc files and can output these as PLY or OBJ files. The compressed output file enables users to download apps faster and provide quick loading of 3D graphics in browsers.

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    Other Supported Conversions

    You can also convert DXF into many other file formats including few listed below.

    DXF TO 3DS (3D Studio DOS Mesh)
    DXF TO AMF (Additive Manufacturing Format)
    DXF TO ASE (2D Animation File)
    DXF TO DAE (Digital Asset Exchange)
    DXF TO FBX (3D Format)
    DXF TO GLTF (GL Transmission Format)
    DXF TO HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
    DXF TO OBJ (3D File Format)
    DXF TO PLY (Polygon File Format)
    DXF TO RVM (AVEVA Plant Design Model)
    DXF TO STL (Interchangeable 3D Surface Geometry)
    DXF TO U3D (Universal 3D)