Konwertuj USD na HTML przez C#

Eksportuj USD i inne 3D pliki za pomocą .NET Framework, .NET Core i Mono

Eksportuj USD scenę jako HTML z C#

  1. Załaduj plik USD za pomocą konstruktora Scena klasa2. Zadzwoń Scena.Zapisz metoda
  2. Przekaż nazwę pliku wyjściowego z rozszerzeniem .html jako pierwszy parametr
  3. Określ HTML5 wartość pola z Format pliku klasa

3D Konwersja formatu API for .NET

Zainstaluj z wiersza poleceń jako nuget install Aspose.3d lub za pomocą konsoli Menedżera pakietów programu Visual Studio za pomocą Install-Package Aspose.3D.

Alternatywnie, pobierz instalator MSI offline lub biblioteki DLL w pliku ZIP z pliki do pobrania .

C# Kod konwersji USD na HTML

// załaduj USD do obiektu sceny 
var scene = new Aspose.ThreeD.Scene("template.usd");
// zapisz USD jako HTML 
scene.Save("output.html", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.HTML5);

Other Conversion Options

USD TO PLY (Polygon File Format)
USD TO PDF (Portable Document Format)
USD TO JT (JT Open CAD File)
USD TO ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange File)
USD TO DXF (Autodesk Drawing Exchange Format)
USD TO DAE (Digital Asset Exchange File)
USD TO FBX (Autodesk FBX Interchange File)

USD What is USD File Format?

A file with .usd extension is a Universal Scene Description file format that encodes data for the purpose of data interchanging and augmenting between digital content creation applications. Developed by Pixar, USD provides the ability to interchange elemental assets (such as models) or animation.

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HTML What is HTML File Format?

Known as language of the web, HTML has evolved with requirements of new information requirements to be displayed as part of web pages. The latest variant is known as HTML 5 that gives a lot of flexibility for working with the language. HTML pages are either received from server, where these are hosted, or can be loaded from local system as well. Each HTML page is made up of HTML elements such as forms, text, images, animations, links, etc. These elements are represented by tags and several others where each tag has start and end. It can also embed applications written in scripting languages such as JavaScript and Style Sheets (CSS) for overall layout representation.

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