Konvertera USD till DAE via C#

Exportera USD och andra 3D filer med .NET Framework, .NET Core och Mono

Exportera USD scen som DAE med C#

  1. Ladda USD-fil med en konstruktor av Scen klass2. Ring Scene.Spara metod
  2. Skicka ut filnamnet med filtillägget .dae som första parameter
  3. Ange “Collada”-fältvärdet från Filformat klass

3D Formatomvandling API for .NET

Installera från kommandoraden som nuget install Aspose.3d eller via Package Manager Console of Visual Studio med Install-Package Aspose.3D.

Alternativt kan du hämta offline-MSI-installationsprogrammet eller DLL-filerna i en ZIP-fil från Nedladdningar .

C# Kod för omvandling från USD till DAE

// ladda USD i ett objekt av Scene 
var scene = new Aspose.ThreeD.Scene("template.usd");
// spara USD som en DAE 
scene.Save("output.dae", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.Collada);

Other Conversion Options

USD TO FBX (Autodesk FBX Interchange File)
USD TO OBJ (Wavefront 3D Object File)
USD TO DXF (Autodesk Drawing Exchange Format)
USD TO HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
USD TO DAE (Digital Asset Exchange File)
USD TO STL (Stereolithography File)
USD TO DRC (Google Draco File Format)

USD What is USD File Format?

A file with .usd extension is a Universal Scene Description file format that encodes data for the purpose of data interchanging and augmenting between digital content creation applications. Developed by Pixar, USD provides the ability to interchange elemental assets (such as models) or animation.

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DAE What is DAE File Format?

A DAE file is a Digital Asset Exchange file format that is used for exchanging data between interactive 3D applications. This file format is based on the COLLADA (COLLAborative Design Activity) XML schema which is an open standard XML schema for the exchange of digital assets among graphics software applications. It has been adopted by ISO as a publicly available specification, ISO/pAS 17506. DAE files can be opened in applications such as Adobe Photoshop, AutoDesk Maya, AutoDesk AutoCAD, and APIs such as Aspose.CAD.

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