Konvertera USDZ till RVM via C#

Exportera USDZ och andra 3D filer med .NET Framework, .NET Core och Mono

Exportera USDZ scen som RVM med C#

  1. Ladda USDZ-fil med en konstruktor av Scen klass2. Ring Scene.Spara metod
  2. Skicka ut filnamnet med filtillägget .rvm som första parameter
  3. Ange “RvmBinary” fältvärde från Filformat klass

3D Formatomvandling API for .NET

Installera från kommandoraden som nuget install Aspose.3d eller via Package Manager Console of Visual Studio med Install-Package Aspose.3D.

Alternativt kan du hämta offline-MSI-installationsprogrammet eller DLL-filerna i en ZIP-fil från Nedladdningar .

C# Kod för omvandling från USDZ till RVM

// ladda USDZ i ett objekt av Scene 
var scene = new Aspose.ThreeD.Scene("template.usdz");
// spara USDZ som en RVM 
scene.Save("output.rvm", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.RvmBinary);

Other Conversion Options

USDZ TO DRC (Google Draco File Format)
USDZ TO ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange File)
USDZ TO 3MF (3D Manufacturing File)
USDZ TO AMF (Additive Manufacturing File)
USDZ TO GLTF (GL Transmission Format File)
USDZ TO OBJ (Wavefront 3D Object File)
USDZ TO DXF (Autodesk Drawing Exchange Format)

USDZ What is USDZ File Format?

A file with .usdz is an uncompressed and unencrypetd ZIP archive for the USD (Universal Scene Description) file format that contains and proxies for files of other formats (such as textures, and animations) embedded within the archive and runs them directly with the USD run-time without any need of unpacking. USDZ files are packages whose design is based on the new Ar-level abstraction of a package. Usdz was registered with IANA and has media type name of model and a subtype name of vnd.usd+zip and its details can be found as on IANA registration page.

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RVM What is RVM File Format?

RVM data files are related to AVEVA PDMS. RVM file is an AVEVA Plant Design Management System Model project file. AVEVA’s Plant Design Management System (PDMS) is the most popular 3D design system using data-centric technology for managing projects. Numerous applications are available to open and convert RVM files to other formats such as 3DS.

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