Learn How To Create Mesh From Linear Extrusion

In this tutorial, we'll create a 2D profile and then perform a linear extrusion on it to turn it into a 3D mesh. Next we will generate normal data using Aspose.3D's builtin algorithm. Finally, we will add materials to the mesh to enhance its visual appeal.

//ExSummary: Please review the following code that demonstrates how to create a mesh using linear extrusion. You can make changes to the code and run it directly in your browser. //ExStepSummary:0: The code below demonstrates how to create a new 3D scene with a linear extrusion object. //ExStepImage:0:step-1.png //ExStepSummary:1: The following code demonstrates how to create a mesh from a linear extrusion object. //ExStepImage:1:step-1.png //ExStepSummary:2: The following code demonstrates how to generate normal data from a mesh. //ExStepImage:2:step-3.png //ExStepSummary:3: The following code demonstrates how to apply a material to a mesh object. //ExStepImage:3:step-4.png //ExStart //ExStep:0- using Aspose.ThreeD; using Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities; using Aspose.ThreeD.Entities; using Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles; //ExStep:3- using Aspose.ThreeD.Shading; //ExStep:0- //Create a new 3D scene var scene = new Scene(); //ExStep:0-0 var profile = new CShape(); //Perform linear extrusion from a C shape profile with length 5. var extrusion = new LinearExtrusion(profile, 5); // Create node to hold the result var node = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(extrusion); //ExStep:1- var profile = new CShape(); //Perform linear extrusion from a C shape profile with length 5. var extrusion = new LinearExtrusion(profile, 5); //Convert linear extrusion to mesh var mesh = extrusion.ToMesh(); //ExStep:2- //Generate normal data and add it to the mesh var ven = PolygonModifier.GenerateNormal(mesh); mesh.AddElement(ven); //ExStep:1- // Create node to hold the result var node = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(mesh); //ExStep:3- //create a new material and apply it to the node var material = new PbrMaterial(); material.Albedo = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); node.Material = material; //ExStep:0- scene //ExEnd