通過 C# 將 USDZ 轉換為 PLY

使用 .NET Framework、.NET Core 和 Mono 導出 USDZ 和其他 3D 文件

使用 C# 將 USDZ 場景導出為 PLY

  1. 使用構造函數加載 USDZ 文件 場景 班級2. 打電話 場景.保存 方法
  2. 傳遞帶有 .ply 擴展名的輸出文件名作為第一個參數
  3. 指定 PLY 字段值 文件格式 班級

3D 格式轉換API for .NET

從命令行安裝為 nuget install Aspose.3d 或通過 Visual Studio 的包管理器控制台使用 Install-Package Aspose.3D 安裝。

或者,從 ZIP 文件中獲取脫機 MSI 安裝程序或 DLL 下載 .

C# USDZ 到 PLY 轉換的代碼

// 在 Scene 對像中加載 USDZ 
var scene = new Aspose.ThreeD.Scene("template.usdz");
// 將 USDZ 保存為 PLY 
scene.Save("output.ply", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.PLY);

Other Conversion Options

USDZ TO AMF (Additive Manufacturing File)
USDZ TO DRC (Google Draco File Format)
USDZ TO HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
USDZ TO FBX (Autodesk FBX Interchange File)
USDZ TO DAE (Digital Asset Exchange File)
USDZ TO ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange File)

USDZ What is USDZ File Format?

A file with .usdz is an uncompressed and unencrypetd ZIP archive for the USD (Universal Scene Description) file format that contains and proxies for files of other formats (such as textures, and animations) embedded within the archive and runs them directly with the USD run-time without any need of unpacking. USDZ files are packages whose design is based on the new Ar-level abstraction of a package. Usdz was registered with IANA and has media type name of model and a subtype name of vnd.usd+zip and its details can be found as on IANA registration page.

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PLY What is PLY File Format?

PLY, Polygon File Format, represents 3D file format that stores graphical objects described as a collection of polygons. The purpose of this file format was to establish a simple and easy file type that is general enough to be useful for a wide range of models. PLY file format comes as ASCII as well as Binary format for compact storage and for rapid saving and loading. The file format is used by different applications that provide support for 3D files reading.

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