Aspose.BarCode  for Node.js via Java
GS1 DataBar

Generate GS1 DataBar Labels with Node.js via Java

Create GS1 DataBar (Omnidirectional, Stacked Omnidirectional, Expanded, Expanded Stacked, and Truncated) barcode in JavaScript using server-side Aspose.BarCode for Node.js via Java API.

How to Generate GS1 DataBar barcode Using Node.js via Java

To create GS1 DataBar barcode barcodes within Node.js applications, acquire the Aspose.BarCode for Node.js via Java, an advanced, potent, and user-friendly barcode API designed for Java-oriented platforms. You can easily install aspose.barcode for Javascript from NPM:


  > npm i aspose.barcode

Steps to Generate GS1 DataBar barcode in JavaScript

Aspose.BarCode makes it easy for developers to create GS1 DataBar barcode images with few lines of code.

  • Create an instance of BarCodeGenerator class
  • Set GS1 DataBar barcode as the EncodeTypes parameter
  • Define text to encode as the second parameter
  • Determine barcode dimensions and location if needed
  • Call the method to get the generated barcode image

System Requirements

Aspose barcode APIs are supported by all major platforms and operating systems. Before executing the code sample below, please check that you have the following prerequisites enabled in your system.

  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, or any OS compatible with Node.js
  • Node.js and Node.js/Java Bridge installed
  • Oracle JDK version 7 or above

Code to be executed - JavaScript

const barcode_ = require("aspose.barcode");
const aspose_barcode = barcode_.AsposeBarcode

let BarcodeGenerator = aspose_barcode.BarcodeGenerator;
let EncodeTypes = aspose_barcode.EncodeTypes;

// Create an instane of the BarcodeGenerator class
let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.QR, "");

// Specify the X-dimension 
// the smallest width of the unit of BarCode bars or spaces

// Set codetext position

// Generate and save image"example.png", aspose_barcode.BarCodeImageFormat.PNG);
Generated barcode image