Aspose.Cells  for C++

Encrypt XLSM Files via C++

Password-protect Excel spreadsheets including XLSM format using .NET Library.

How to Secure XLSM File Using C++

In order to protect XLSM file, we’ll use

Aspose.Cells for C++

API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use document encryption API for C++ platform. You can download its latest version directly, just open


package manager, search for Aspose.Cells.Cpp and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.


PM> Install-Package Aspose.Cells.Cpp

Steps to Protect XLSM Files via C++

Document protection using Aspose.Cells APIs can be done with just few lines of code.

  1. Load XLSM file using Workbook class
  2. Use Protect(..) method with ProtectionType and Password
  3. Save the protected XLSM file by Save() method

System Requirements

Aspose.Cells for C++ supports on all major platforms and Operating Systems. Please make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with C++ Runtime Environment for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit.
  • Add reference to the Aspose.Cells for C++ DLL in your project.



// load the ODS Excel file 
Workbook book(u"unlocked.xlsm");

// access the first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0);

// protect the worksheet with password
worksheet.Protect(ProtectionType::All, u"password", nullptr);

// protect the whole workbook with password
book.Protect(ProtectionType::All, u"password");

// save the modified file in default format

  • About Aspose.Cells for C++ API

    Aspose.Cells API can be used to create, edit, convert and render Microsoft Excel formats to different formats. Moreover, it can be used for comprehensive charting, scalable reporting and reliable calculations within software applications. Aspose.Cells is a standalone API and it does not require any software like Microsoft or OpenOffice.

    Free App to Protect XLSM

    XLSM What is XLSM File Format?

    Files with XLSM extension is a type of Spreadsheet files that support Macros. From application point of view, a Macro is set of instructions that are used for automating processes. A macro is used to record the steps that are performed repeatedly and facilitates performing the actions by running the macro again. Macros are programmed with Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) from within the Excel Workbook using the Visual Basic Editor and can be run/debug directly from there.

    Read More

    Other Supported Protection Documents

    Using C++, one can protect other files including.

    ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet File)
    XLS (Excel Binary Format)
    XLSB (Binary Excel Workbook File)
    XLSX (OOXML Excel File)