Product Family

Convert IMAGE to EMF in C#

High-speed C# library for converting IMAGE to EMF. This is a professional software solution to import and export IMAGE, EMF, and many other formats on .NET Framework, .NET Core or Mono Platforms.

Convert IMAGE to EMF Using C#

How do I convert IMAGE to EMF? With Aspose.Cells for .NET library, you can easily convert IMAGE to EMF programmatically with a few lines of code. Aspose.Cells for .NET is capable of building cross-platform applications with the ability to generate, modify, convert, render and print all Excel files. .NET Excel API not only convert between spreadsheet formats, it can also render Excel files as images, PDF, HTML, ODS, CSV, SVG, JSON, WORD, PPT and more, thus making it a perfect choice to exchange documents in industry-standard formats. Open NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.Cells and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console Command

PM> Install-Package Aspose.Cells

Save IMAGE to EMF in C#

The following example demonstrates how to convert IMAGE to EMF in C#.

Follow the easy steps to convert IMAGE to EMF. Upload your IMAGE file, then simply save it as EMF file. For both IMAGE reading and EMF writing you can use fully qualified filenames. The output EMF content and formatting will be identical to the original IMAGE document.

Sample Code to Convert IMAGE to EMF
Input file
Select format
  using Aspose.Cells;     
  var workbook = new Workbook("Input.xlsx");

How to Convert IMAGE to EMF via C#

Need to convert IMAGE files to EMF programmatically? .NET developers can easily load & convert IMAGE to EMF in just a few lines of code.

  1. Install ‘Aspose.Cells for .NET’.
  2. Add a library reference (import the library) to your C# project.
  3. Load IMAGE file with an instance of Workbook.
  4. Convert IMAGE to EMF by calling Workbook.Save method.
  5. Get the conversion result of IMAGE to EMF.

C# library to convert IMAGE to EMF

There are two alternative options to install “Aspose.Cells for .NET” onto your system. Please choose one that resembles your needs and follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Install a NuGet Package . See Documentation
  2. Install the library using Package Manager Console within Visual Studio IDE

System Requirements

Before running the .NET conversion example code, make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with .NET, .NET Core, Windows Azure or Mono Platforms..
  • Development environment like Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Add reference to the Aspose.Cells for .NET DLL in your project.

IMAGE What is IMAGE File Format?

A PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file is a raster image file format that uses lossless compression. This file format was created as a replacement of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and has no copyright limitations. However, PNG file format does not support animations. PNG file format supports lossless image compression that makes it popular among its users. With the passage of time, PNG has evolved as one of the widely used image file formats.

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EMF What is EMF File Format?

Enhanced metafile format (EMF) stores graphical images device-independently. Metafiles of EMF comprises of variable-length records in chronological order that can render the stored image after parsing on any output device. These variable-length records can be definitions of enclosed objects, commands for drawing, and graphics properties critical to render the image accurately. When a device opens an EMF metafile using its own graphics environment, the proportions, dimensions, colors and other graphic properties of original image remains same regardless of the opening device platform.

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Other Supported Conversions

You can also convert IMAGE to many other file formats including few listed below.

IMAGE TO BMP (Bitmap Image)
IMAGE TO EMF (Enhanced Metafile Format)
IMAGE TO GIF (Graphical Interchange Format)
IMAGE TO HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
IMAGE TO MD (Markdown Language)
IMAGE TO MHTML (Web Page Archive Format)
IMAGE TO ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet File)
IMAGE TO PDF (Portable Document Format)
IMAGE TO PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
IMAGE TO SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
IMAGE TO TIFF (Tagged Image Format)
IMAGE TO TSV (Tab-Separated Values)
IMAGE TO TXT (Text Document)
IMAGE TO XLS (Excel Binary Format)
IMAGE TO XLSB (Binary Excel Workbook File)
IMAGE TO XLSM (Spreadsheet File)
IMAGE TO XLT (Microsoft Excel Template)
IMAGE TO XLTM (Excel Macro-enabled Template)
IMAGE TO XLTX (Office OpenXML Excel Template)
IMAGE TO XML (Extensible Markup Language)
IMAGE TO XPS (XML Paper Specifications)
IMAGE TO JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)