Microsoft® Excel shapes insertion using Python via .Net

Create Excel documents and insert shapes using server-side APIs in Python via Net based applications.


In excel you can add shapes such as boxes, circles and arrows to documents, emails, slides and spreadsheets.To free you from a lot of manual insertion, the Aspose.Cells for Python-Net API provides the same functionality.These APIs are very easy to use, usually only one line of code is needed to insert a specific shape, and a few lines of code can complete the insertion of batches of shapes.

Insert shapes in Excel File

Insertting shapes using these APIs is simple. Process is, Create Workbook class object and select the first worksheet or the relevant sheet by providing its index. Add a shape to the worksheet by using shapecollection to add method.

Python via .Net Code to Insert Shape in Excel
import aspose.cells
import aspose.cells.drawing as ad
# Instantiating a Workbook object
workbook = Workbook(FileFormatType.XLSX)
# Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
worksheet = workbook.worksheets.get(0)
# Add the rectangle to the worksheet
worksheet.shapes.add_shape(ad.MsoDrawingType.RECTANGLE,2, 0, 2, 0, 100, 300)
# Save the Workbook as .xlsx file."insertshape.xlsx")
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