Aspose.Cells  for Python via .NET

Insert Line into Excel using Python via .Net

Insert a line using Aspose.Cells’ API without any software like Microsoft or Open Office, Adobe PDF, etc.

How to Insert Line into Excel File Using Python via .Net

In order to insert Line into excel file, we’ll use

Aspose.Cells for Python via .Net

API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use document manipulation API for Python via .Net platform.The API provides Excel file creation, manipulation, conversion and rendering. All without relying on Microsoft Office or Excel applications.You can install from the console using the following command.


> pip install aspose-cells-python

Steps to insert Line to Excel file using Python via .Net

You need the Aspose.Cells to try the following workflow in your own environment.

  • Instantiating a Workbook object.(or->Load the XLSX file with full path.)
  • Select Worksheet via its index.
  • Use the shapecollection’s add method to insert a Line in the selected worksheet.
  • Save workbook in XLSX format.

System Requirements

Aspose.Cells for Python via .Net is platform-independent API and can be used on any platform (Windows, Linux), just make sure that system have Python 3.7 or higher.

  • Any operating system that can run Python via .Net scripts, such as Windows and Linux
  • Install Aspose.Cells for Python via .Net from pypi, use command as: $ pip install aspose-cells-python.

Insert Line - Python via .Net

  • About Aspose.Cells API

    Aspose.Cells API capable of building cross-platform applications ,can be used to create, edit, convert and render Microsoft Excel formats to different formats(as images, PDF, HTML, ODS and more).Moreover, it can be used for comprehensive charting, scalable reporting and reliable calculations within software applications.Thus making it a perfect choice to exchange documents in industry-standard formats. It’s important that Aspose.Cells is a standalone API and it does not require any software like Microsoft or OpenOffice.