Aspose.Diagram  for Java

Change background of VSTM Formats in Java

Native change background of VSTM document using server-side Java APIs.

How to Change background of VSTM Files Using Java

In order to change background of VSTM file, we’ll use

Aspose.Diagram for Java

API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use merger API for Java platform. You can download its latest version directly from


and install it within your Maven-based project by adding the following configurations to the pom.xml.


<name>Aspose Java API</name>


<version>version of aspose-diagram API</version>

Steps for Change background of VSTM Files in Java

A basic change background of document with

Aspose.Diagram for Java

APIs can be done with just few lines of code.

  1. Load VSTM file with an instance of Diagram class
  2. Add a new page to diagram as background page
  3. Insert an image to the background page
  4. Set background page to the first page of diagram
  5. Call the Diagram.Save method

System Requirements

Aspose.Diagram for Java supports on all major platforms and Operating Systems. Please make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with Java Runtime Environment for JSP/JSF Application and Desktop Applications.
  • Get latest version of Aspose.Diagram for Java directly from Maven .

Change background of VSTM Files - Java

  • About Aspose.Diagram for Java API

    Aspose.Diagram is a Microsoft Visio document format manipulation API. One can easily load, create, modify, manipulate including daigram elements and convert Visio diagrams to other formats such as PDF, XPS, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, SVG, EMF and more. It is a standalone API and does not require Microsoft Visio or any other software to be installed.

    VSTM What is VSTM File Format?

    Files with VSTM extension are template files created with Microsoft Visio that support macros. Unlike VSDX files, files created from VSTM templates can run macros that are developed in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. A template file can be created in order to provide basic settings of the document that can be utilized to generate further documents with these settings. Visio files are used to create drawings that contain visual objects, flow charts, UML diagram, information flow, organizational charts, software diagrams, network layout, database models, objects mapping and other similar information. Files generated using Visio can also be exported to different file formats such as PNG, BMP, PDF and others.

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    Other Supported change background Formats

    Using Java, One can also change background of many other file formats including..

    VDX (Microsoft Visio Drawing Format)
    VSD (Microsoft Visio Drawings)
    VSDM (Microsoft Visio Drawing Format)
    VSDX (Microsoft Visio Format)
    VSS (Stencil Files)
    VSSM (Microsoft Visio Stencil files)
    VSSX (Drawing Stencils)
    VST (Vector Image Files)
    VSTX (Microsoft Visio Drawing Template)
    VSX (Stencils)
    VTX (Microsoft Visio Drawing Template)