Aspose.Email  for .NET

C# .NET Solution to Receive Email via Microsoft Graph

A practical guide on MS Graph integration into C# applications for efficient message retrieval

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In the modern era of cloud-based applications, Microsoft Graph has become instrumental for accessing a wide range of Microsoft 365 services. Aspose.Email for .NET, a versatile email processing library, supports MS Graph integration, allowing developers to interact with mailboxes, messages, calendars, and contacts within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. This integration opens the door to building applications that leverage the power of Microsoft 365 for enhanced productivity and collaboration.

You can leverage the library’s functionalities by installing it via NuGet or downloading its DLL.

Microsoft Graph and C# Library Efficient Integration

  • Seamless Integration: The library seamlessly integrates with the API, offering developers a unified solution for accessing Microsoft 365 services, including email, calendars, contacts, and more.

  • Real-time Synchronization: MS Graph supports real-time email updates, ensuring users receive timely notifications and updates, enhancing their engagement and productivity.

  • Comprehensive Data Management: the API’s extensive functionalities for data management, combined with our .NET library, allow developers to create applications that empower users to efficiently manage their email communication and productivity.

MS Graph API in Message Retrieval using C#

You can try the following code sample in your project. It demonstrates how to use the library to interact with Microsoft API to retrieve messages from the “Inbox” folder of a specified user’s mailbox. This integration allows developers to access Microsoft 365 services, including email, through the Graph API using Aspose.Email for .NET.

using Aspose.Email;
using Aspose.Email.Clients.Graph;

// Create a Graph client
using (var client = GraphClient.GetClient(tokenProvider, "tenant ID"))
    var folder = client.ListFolders().FirstOrDefault(folder => folder.DisplayName.Equals("Inbox"));

    foreach (var msgInfo in client.ListMessages(folder.ItemId))
        var msg = client.FetchMessage(msgInfo.ItemId);

About the C# Library to Process Email

Our comprehensive and versatile .NET library empowers developers to work with email messages and related functionalities in their applications. With a wide range of features and capabilities, it simplifies tasks such as creating, parsing, and manipulating emails, as well as interacting with various servers and protocols. It is a trusted choice for developers looking to build email clients, automation tools, and applications that require seamless integration with popular services and servers. It offers robust support for a variety of protocols and services, including SMTP, POP3, IMAP, EWS, and Microsoft Graph, making it an essential tool for developing email-related applications with ease and efficiency.