Convert XBRL to iXBRL via Python

XBRL to iXBRL conversion without needing any other software within Python based applications.


Aspose.Finance for Python via .NET is an API to process XBRL, iXBRL formats and developers can easily build business processes management, financial analysis and reporting software applications to convert, create, read, view and validate XBRL and iXBRL finance-related files.

How to Convert XBRL to iXBRL

  1. Load input XBRL file using XbrlDocument class.
  2. Set SaveOptions for the output file by choosing the SaveFormat.IXBRL.
  3. Call the save method by providing the target file and relevant SaveOptions as parameters.

Conversion Requirements

To proceed for XBRL to iXBRL conversion, make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • Microsoft Windows or Linux based OS.
  • Python 3.5 or later.
  • Aspose.Finance for Python referenced in your project.

C# source code to convert XBRL to iXBRL file


Other Conversion Options

XBRL to XLSX (Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet)
OFX Response (From 1.03 to 2.2 Format)
OFX Request (From 1.03 to 2.2 Format)