Detect Latin Symbols in Fonts

Cutting-edge C++ API solution to detect Latin symbols in fonts. Whether you’re working on text processing, font design, or language recognition, our API will streamline your workflow and enhance your applications.


Embrace the future of Latin symbol detection with us. Your fonts will thank you! Aspose.Font for С++ uses state-of-the-art algorithms to ensure precise Latin symbol detection, even in the most complex fonts. The API automates the process, boosting your productivity, and is easy to integrate into your existing projects, saving you valuable development time. Whether you’re developing for Windows, Linux, or macOS, our API works across all major platforms. The solution scales with your needs, whether you’re a solo developer or a large enterprise. Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your font analysis and text recognition capabilities. Unlock the potential of Latin symbol detection with Aspose.Font API solution for C++. Get a free trial or purchase the license today!

Here you’ll find additional code examples in C++ and learn about the capabilities of Aspose.Font for working with glyphs and the Aspose.Font.Glyphs namespace. If you want to learn complete examples and data files, please go to Aspose Github Project . But why would you need to detect Latin symbols in a font?

  • This check-up will ensure that the text will be properly displayed using that font.

  • If you are working on a multilingual project, you may need to translate text into different languages, including languages that use Latin symbols. Detecting the presence of Latin symbols in a font will help you determine if the font can be used for displaying translated text.

  • If you are working on a project that requires compatibility with other systems or platforms, you need to check if a font contains Latin symbols to be sure that text will be properly displayed on those systems.

To work with glyphs we need:

  • Aspose.Font for C++ API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy-to-use document manipulation and conversion API.

  • Open the NuGet package manager, and search for Aspose.Font and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console Command

    PM> Install-Package Aspose.Font

Steps to detect whether the font supports Latin symbols using C++:

  1. Create a font definition object with the type Type1 and a font file definition object that specifies the font file type as .pfb and the file source as the font file specified in the fileName variable.
  2. Create a Type1Font object. Use the Open() Method of the Font Class and pass the font definition object created before.
  3. Declare a boolean variable latinText and initialize it as true.
  4. Decode the GlyphId using the DecodeToGid() Method of the font encoding object. If the resulting Glyph ID is either null or NotDefId, the font does not support the symbol, so the latinText variable is set to false.
  5. If the latinText variable is still true, it means that the font supports all Latin symbols and a message is printed to the console indicating the font name and its support for Latin symbols. If latinText is false, a message is printed to the console indicating that the font does not support Latin symbols, and the font name.

C++ Code for detecting Latin symbols in fonts

    using Aspose::Font;
    using Aspose::Font::Glyphs;
    System::String fileName = dataDir + u"courier.pfb";
    //Declare the file name with the full path
    System::SharedPtr<FontDefinition> fd = System::MakeObject<FontDefinition>(Aspose::Font::FontType::Type1
    System::MakeObject<FontFileDefinition>(u"pfb", System::MakeObject<FileSystemStreamSource>(fileName)));
    System::SharedPtr<Type1Font> font = System::DynamicCast_noexcept<Aspose::Font::Type1::Type1Font>(Aspose::Font::Font::Open(fd));
    bool latinText = true;
    for (uint32_t code = 65; code < static_cast<uint32_t>(123); code++)
        System::SharedPtr<GlyphId> gid = font->get_Encoding()->DecodeToGid(code);
        if (gid == nullptr || gid == System::StaticCast<System::Object>(GlyphUInt32Id::get_NotDefId()))
            latinText = false;
    if (latinText)
        System::Console::WriteLine(System::String::Format(u"Font {0} supports latin symbols."
        System::Console::WriteLine(System::String::Format(u"Latin symbols are not supported by font {0}.", font->get_FontName()));


1. What is a Latin symbol?

A Latin or Roman symbol is any symbol of the Latin alphabet. Most modern languages use the Latin alphabet English, for example.

2. What issues may cause non-Latin symbols in fonts?

Non-Latin symbols in fonts can introduce several issues, particularly if the font is not properly designed or if the characters are not well-supported. Some of the issues are glyph availability, rendering problems, encoding compatibility, character alignment, font fallback, file size, compatibility issues, and accessibility problems.

3. How do non-Latin letters affect accessibility?

Such characters may pose challenges for users with visual impairments or those using screen readers if the characters are not properly encoded or labeled for accessibility.

4. How to mitigate issues caused by non-Latin symbols in fonts?

Use well-designed fonts that provide comprehensive support for the required scripts and characters, ensure proper encoding and encoding detection, and test the typography across different platforms and devices to ensure consistent and accurate rendering.