Fonts are the building blocks of written language, shaping how we see words and impacting user experience. Factors like readability and search engine optimization (SEO) are crucial when choosing fonts for interfaces and design.

This innovative library simplifies font manipulation for Node.js developers. It works seamlessly with various formats like TTF, WOFF, and EOT, empowering you to:

🌟 Convert fonts on the fly, enabling direct manipulation within web browsers.

📊 Access detailed information about each font, including its structure and other technical aspects.

✨ Encode and manipulate fonts of any type, from TTF to Type1, with ease.

💾 Get information about the Aspose.Font library version and licensing status.

Start managing your fonts effectively with Aspose.Font for Node.js. Take advantage of the free trial or purchase the solution to unlock its full potential!

Learn more about the offered features

Convert Font

Aspose.Font for Node.js can easily convert most font formats to TrueType and Web Open font formats. Here are just a few lines of code for TrueType (TTF).

Convert TTF to WOFF - Node.js

    const AsposeFont = require('asposefontnodejs');

    const font_file = "./fonts/Lora-Regular.ttf";

    AsposeFont().then(AsposeFontModule => {
        //call AsposeFontConvert to convert font
        const json = AsposeFontModule.AsposeFontConvert(font_file,AsposeFontModule.FontType.TTF,AsposeFontModule.FontSavingFormats.WOFF);
        console.log("AsposeFontConvert : %O",  json.errorCode == 0 ? font_file + ' => ' + json.fileNameResult : json.errorText);

Support and Learning Resources


Aspose.Font offers individual APIs for popular development environments as listed below: