Aspose.Font: Simplifying Font Conversion in Node.js

Tired of font compatibility problems? Aspose.Font for Node.js is here to help! This easy-to-use tool lets you convert fonts between popular formats like TTF, OTF, and WOFF in a snap. Now you can use your favorite fonts on websites, in printed documents, or in your applications without any hassle.


Fonts come in different formats (like TTF, OTF, WOFF) depending on where you use them (web, print, apps). Sometimes, you might need to convert them to work properly.

Our Aspose.Font for Node.js can help! It's a simple tool that lets you change your fonts between these different formats in a snap.

Introducing our Font Conversion API solution for Node.js. With it, you can effortlessly convert an extensive range of font formats, including TTF, OTF, WOFF, WOFF 2, Type 1, EOT, and CFF fonts.

  • 🌟 Easy Conversion - Convert fonts from one format to another, no problem!

  • ✨ Works with Many Fonts - Supports all the common font formats you need.

  • 💾 Keeps Your Fonts Looking Great - No blurry or messed up fonts after conversion.

  • 🚀 Works with Node.js - Fits right into your existing projects.

TrueType Font to Web Open Font Format version 2.0 Conversion.

API supports different fonts for reading and writing according to this list . You just need to use the AsposeFontConvert() . The function has parameters for indicating input font type FontType and selecting the output font format FontSavingFormats .

You can also use simplified versions of the function: AsposeFontConvertToTTF() , AsposeFontConvertToWOFF() , AsposeFontConvertToWOFF2() , and AsposeFontConvertToSVG()

The API supports Web Worker mode to improve the responsive performance of the user interface on a web page. Also take a llok at the Node.js documentation for more help to use.

To see actual cross-platform applications developed with the use of this functionality go to Aspose Font Converter app . There you can also find many more API solutions to work with fonts and text.

Go to the Documentation for Node.js to get all the needed information to start working with the solution, Release Notes, Developer Guide, or Documentation for .NET - the get a deeper knowledge about fonts.

Node.js code example TTF to WOFF2 conversion
Input file
Upload a file you want to convert
Output format
Select the target format



1. Can I convert fonts with this API solution?

Aspose.Font has functionality that allows you to convert fonts to other formats online or programmatically. If you need to transform font files instantly online you may like to use Font Converter cross-platform application.

2. What font formats are supported by This functionality?

The API supports TTF, WOFF, WOFF2, EOT, Type 1, and CFF as input and TTF, WOFF, and WOFF2 as output formats

3. Is the functionality free?

The cross-platform converters are free, when for the API solution you can get a free Trial and then buy the product if needed.


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