Aspose.OCR  for C++

Aspose.Imaging for Java

processes scanned images or even smartphone photos in DJVU format and creates DJVU documents containing recognized text. To add it to your project, you just need to get Aspose.OCR

Aspose Maven Repository or specify Aspose Maven Repository configuration and install it within your Maven-based project by adding the following configurations to the pom.xml. For Graddle, Ivy, Sbt examples check out our repository .

Package Manager Console Command

  PM> Install-Package Aspose.OCR.Cpp

With C++ OCR and just a few lines of code, you can create full-featured application that converts an DJVU image to DOCX document:

  • Create an instance of AsposeOcr class
  • Call AsposeOCR.asposeocr_page() method
  • Pass the DJVU file path as parameter
  • AsposeOCR.asposeocr_page returns a String or file of DOCX type

System Requirements

Before running the example, make sure that Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime 1.7.0 or above is added to the project. It should be automatically installed if you install Aspose.OCR via NuGet Package Manager.

  • NET Standard 2.0+ compatible solution
  • Aspose.OCR for .NET referenced in your project.

std::string img_path = "../srcSample.png";

// Prepare buffer for result (in symbols, len_byte = len * sizeof(wchar_t))
const size_t len = 4096;

wchar_t bfr[len] = { 0 };

size_t result = aspose::ocr::page(image_path.c_str(), bfr, len);

//Print result
std::wcout << bfr << L"\n";
  • DJVU What is DJVU File Format

    DjVu, pronounced as “déjà vu”, is a graphics file format intended for scanned documents and books especially those which contain the combination of text, drawings, images and photographs. It was developed by AT&T Labs. It uses multiple techniques like image layer separation of text and background images, progressive loading, arithmetic coding and lossy compression for bitonal images. Since DJVU file can contain compressed yet high-quality colour images, photographs, text, and drawings and can be saved in less space therefore, it's used on web as eBooks, manuals, newspapers, ancient documents, etc.

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    DOCX What is DOCX File Format

    DOCX is a well-known format for Microsoft Word documents. Introduced from 2007 with the release of Microsoft Office 2007, the structure of this new Document format was changed from plain binary to a combination of XML and binary files. Docx files can be opened with Word 2007 and lateral versions but not with the earlier versions of MS Word which support DOC file extensions.

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