Convert EPS to WMF via API Solution for .NET.


Aspose.Page for EPS to WMF converter offers conversion of Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file to WMF image with using of any language supported by .NET platform: C#, VB, J#.

The API you see here can be used to create your own cross-platform application or be integrated into your .NET project.

In order to convert XPS to PNG, we’ll use:

  • Aspose.Page for .NET API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy-to-use document manipulation and conversion API for the C# platform.

  • Open the NuGet package manager, and search for Aspose.Page and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console Command

    PM> Install-Package Aspose.Page

Steps to Convert EPS to WMF via C#

Aspose.Page makes it easy for the developers to load and convert EPS files to WMF in just a few lines of code.

  1. Load EPS file in an instance of PsDocument via a stream
  2. Create and set instances of ImageSaveOptions and ImageDevice classes
  3. Call PsDocument.Save method with objects of ImageSaveOptions and ImageDevice as parameters

System Requirements

Aspose.Page for .NET is supported on all major operating systems. Just make sure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with .NET Framework Platform, Windows and ASP.NET Applications.
  • Development environment like Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Aspose.Page for .NET DLL referenced in your project.

EPS to WMF C# Conversion

    // load the document from EPS file
    var document = new Aspose.Page.EPS.PsDocument("template.EPS");
    // create an instance of ImageSaveOptions
    var options = new Aspose.Page.EPS.Device.ImageSaveOptions();
    // save EPS as WMF
    document.Save("output.WMF", options);

EPS to WMF Conversion Web Application


1. Can I convert EPS to WMF?

Aspose.Page solution has functionality that allows you to convert EPS files to other formats online or programmatically. If you need to transform EPS to WMF instantly online you may like to use EPS Converter cross-platform application.

2. Can I find more detailed informationon how to convert EPS to WMF?

Go to the Documentation chapter to find the information like Developer Guide, Release Notes, and many more about Page Description Languages. Visit our GitHub project to see the code examples for using the solution.

3. Is the functionality free?

The cross-platform converters are free, when for the API solution you can get a free Trial and then buy the product if needed.

EPS What is EPS File Format

EPS (EPSF) or Encapsulated PostScript File Format is the format that is actually a PS program that describes what would a single page look like. It is actually limited PS plus particular notes that help encapsulate PostScript graphics to another document. EPS perfectly supports vector graphics or combined vector-raster graphics. The peculiarity of the format is that as soon as it is imported into a document, it cannot be edited anymore. That is one of the reasons to convert this format to the one you are able to work with.

WMF What is WMF File Format

Windows Metafile or WMF is an image file created to save vector graphics. To be more accurate, WMF belongs to the vector file format category of Graphics file formats that is device independent. As EMF this format also contains metafile records that store drawing operations and commands to save the proportions and properties of the image no matter what platform or environment you use.