Manipulate XMP Metadata

Effortlessly add, edit, and retrieve metadata from EPS files, putting you in complete control of your document’s information. Elevate the content of EPS files to a new level with Aspose.Page Solution for C++!


The XMP metadata is a collection of properties to describe a file. It is written in XML format. The metadata includes information about the file's content, identification details that differentiate it from other files, and other data related to the file's creation, modification, and upload history. Additionally, it records details about the users who contributed to the file's creation, editing, and uploading.

Unlock the power of your EPS files with our C++ API solution! Seamless integration with XMP metadata that gives you complete control over your EPS documents. Whether you’re managing digital assets, enhancing copyright information, or optimizing your creative workflow, our API simplifies the process, ensuring precision and efficiency. Improve your metadata handling capabilities and gain deeper insights into your EPS files. Experience the seamless integration with XMP metadata using our C++ API solution. Buy the solution today or just get a free trial to discover the functionality of adding, editing, and retrieving metadata from EPS files! For more information and examples on working with XMP metadata, visit the Aspose.Page API documentation on GitHub . Try also our XMP Metadata Editor web app, to see how the functionality may be used.

To run the code example you will need:

  • Aspose.Page for C++ API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use document manipulation and conversion API for C++ platform.

  • You can download its latest version directly, just open NuGet package manager, and search for Aspose.Page.Cpp and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console Command

    PM> Install-Package Aspose.Page

Add XMP metadata to an EPS file with C++

To insert XMP metadata to EPS you will need to use entities of the XmpMetadata Class. Take the nex steps:

  1. Set the path to the directory where the document is located.
  2. Initialize an input stream for the EPS file.
  3. Use the PsDocument Class to create a PS file from the input stream.
  4. Retrieve the XMP metadata by calling the GetXmpMetadata() Method.
  5. Save the changed EPS document by calling the Save() method.

C++ Code to add XMP metadata

    class AddMetadata : public System::Object
        typedef AddMetadata ThisType;
        typedef System::Object BaseType;

        typedef ::System::BaseTypesInfo<BaseType> ThisTypeBaseTypesInfo;


        static void Run();

Change XMP metadata of an EPS file with C++

To add array items to XMP metadata you will again need to use same entities and take similar steps. The additional step requires using the SetArrayItem() Method to change XMP metadata values.

C++ Code to array items to XMP metadata

    class ChangeMetadata_AddArrayItems : public System::Object
        typedef ChangeMetadata_AddArrayItems ThisType;
        typedef System::Object BaseType;

        typedef ::System::BaseTypesInfo<BaseType> ThisTypeBaseTypesInfo;


        static void Run();


EPS What is EPS File Format

EPS (EPSF) or Encapsulated PostScript File Format is the format that is actually a PS program that describes what would a single page look like. It is actually limited PS plus particular notes that help encapsulate PostScript graphics to another document. EPS perfectly supports vector graphics or combined vector-raster graphics. The peculiarity of the format is that as soon as it is imported into a document, it cannot be edited anymore. That is one of the reasons to convert this format to the one you are able to work with.