Канвертаваць PSD у TIFF праз C#

.NET Photoshop API для PSD і PSB Пераўтварэнне ў растравыя выявы, уключаючы TIFF

Высокая якасць візуалізацыі PSD у фармаце TIFF

  1. Загрузіце PSD метадам Image.Load
  2. Стварыце асобнік класа TiffOptions
  3. Выклічце метад Image.Save
  4. Перадайце імя файла вываду і аб’ект TiffOptions

Пачаць працу з .NET Photoshop API

Усталюйце з каманднага радка як nuget install Aspose.PSD або праз кансоль дыспетчара пакетаў Visual Studio з Install-Package Aspose.PSD.

У якасці альтэрнатывы атрымайце аўтаномную праграму ўстаноўкі MSI або бібліятэкі DLL у ZIP-файле з [спампоўкі] ( https://releases.aspose.com/psd/net) .

.NET C# Код для пераўтварэння PSD ў TIFF

PSD What is PSD File Format?

PSD, Photoshop Document, represents Adobe Photoshop’s native file format used for graphics designing and development. PSD files may include image layers, adjustment layers, layer masks, annotations, file information, keywords and other Photoshop-specific elements. Photoshop files have default extension as .PSD and has a maximum height and width of 30,000 pixels, and a length limit of two gigabytes.

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TIFF What is TIFF File Format?

TIFF or TIF, Tagged Image File Format, represents raster images that are meant for usage on a variety of devices that comply with this file format standard. It is capable of describing bilevel, grayscale, palette-color and full-color image data in several color spaces. It supports lossy as well as lossless compression schemes to choose between space and time for applications using the format. The format is not machine dependent and is free from bounds like processor, operating system, or file systems.

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Other Conversion Options

PSD TO BMP (Bitmap Image File)
PSD TO GIF (Graphical Interchange Format)
PSD TO JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)
PSD TO JP2 (JPEG 2000 Core Image)
PSD TO PDF (Portable Document Format)
PSD TO PNG (Portable Network Graphic)