Product Family

Solution de format de fichier Adobe Photoshop

Des API High Code et des applications gratuites pour les formats de fichiers PSD, PSB et AI, sans dépendance à Adobe Photoshop et Adobe Illustrator

Éditeur PSD en ligne gratuit

Si vous devez modifier des fichiers PSD, cet éditeur est l'une des meilleures solutions en ligne. PSD Editor prend en charge l'édition côté serveur WYSIWYG, y compris la mise à jour du texte, les opérations de pinceau, la création de nouvelles couches, la réorganisation des couches et la modification de sa visibilité. PSD Editor utilise Aspose.PSD sur le back-end, donc si vous avez besoin d'une opération plus complexe, vous pouvez le faire vous-même avec un code élevé API PSD.


You can reproduce the main functionality of this built-in app using Aspose.PSD for .NET

	// How to update Text Layer in PSD File
	using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load("layers.psd"))
		foreach (var layer in psdImage.Layers)
			if (layer is TextLayer)
				TextLayer textLayer = layer as TextLayer;
				textLayer.UpdateText("test update", new Point(0, 0), 15.0f, Color.Purple);

	// Update Layer in PSD with Graphics
	// Create an instance of Image
	using (Image image = new PsdImage(100, 100))
		// Create and initialize an instance of Graphics class and clear Graphics surface
		Graphics graphic = new Graphics(image);

		// Draw an arc shape by specifying the Pen object having red black color and coordinates, height, width, start & end angles                 
		int width = 100;
		int height = 200;
		int startAngle = 45;
		int sweepAngle = 270;

		// Draw arc to screen and save all changes.
		graphic.DrawArc(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 0, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);

		// export image to bmp file format.
		image.Save(outpath, saveOptions);

You can download Aspose.PSD for .NET from Nuget package manager

You can reproduce the main functionality of this built-in app using Aspose.PSD for Java

public static void updateTextLayer() {
        try (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage) Image.load("layers.psd")) {
            for (com.aspose.psd.Layers.ILayer layer : psdImage.getLayers()) {
                if (layer instanceof TextLayer) {
                    TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer) layer;
                    textLayer.updateText("test update", new Point(0, 0), 15.0f, Color.getPurple());


    public static void updateLayerWithGraphics() {
        try (Image image = new PsdImage(100, 100)) {
            Graphics graphic = new Graphics(image);

            int width = 100;
            int height = 200;
            int startAngle = 45;
            int sweepAngle = 270;

            graphic.drawArc(new Pen(Color.getBlack()), 0, 0, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);

  , saveOptions);

You can download Aspose.PSD for Java from Aspose Repository

This App is completely free, but it just a small piece of functionality that offers for you Aspose.PSD library. You can make your own app with any functionality of Aspose.PSD. If you can not find needed feature in Aspose.PSD, you can post on PSD Support Forum. The great support, different priceing plans, prioritized bug fixes and feature releasing for the Paid Support Customers.

List of Aspose.PSD versions for different configurations

Aspose.PSD for .NET

Aspose.PSD for Java

Aspose.PSD for .NET has the version for the most popular .NET versions including: .NET Framework 2, 3.5, 4.0, 4.0CP, .netstandard 2, .NET 5, 6, 7. Version of .NET Library for .NET 7 is suitable for the mobile development
Aspose.PSD for Java made on the Java 1.6, so it can be used in the any popular Java configurations. It's suitable for Cross-platform developement
Official Aspose.PSD for .NET pageOfficial Aspose.PSD for Java page
Aspose.PSD for .NET Pricing plansAspose.PSD for Java Pricing plans

Please check the support forum. Where you can feel the real customer care

L’éditeur PSD utilise le traitement côté serveur des fichiers PSD Java et la dernière version de PSD.Net ainsi que .Net Framework 2.0 +