Convertir PSB en BMP via C#
API .NET Photoshop pour la conversion de PSD et PSB en images matricielles, y compris BMP
Rendu de haute qualité du PSB en tant que BMP
- Chargez le PSB avec Image. Charger méthode
- Créez une instance de Options BMP classe
- Appelez Image. Enregistrer méthode
- Transmettre le nom de fichier de sortie et l’objet de BMPoptions
Commencez avec l'API .NET Photoshop
Installer à partir de la ligne de commande en tant que nuget install Aspose.PSD
ou via la console Package Manager de Visual Studio avec Install-Package Aspose.PSD
Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from téléchargements .
Code .NET C# pour la conversion PSB en BMP
PSB What is PSB File Format?
Adobe photoshop saves files in two formats. Files having 30,000 by 30,000 pixels in size are saved with PSD extension and files larger than PSD upto 300,000 by 300,000 pixels are saved with PSB extension known as “Photoshop Big”. More specifically, PSB files can be as large as 4 EB (over 4.2 billion GB) with images that have a height and width of up to 300,000 pixels. PSDs, on the other hand, can be at maximum upto 2 GB and image dimensions of 30,000 pixels.
Read MoreBMP What is BMP File Format?
Files having extension .BMP represent Bitmap Image files that are used to store bitmap digital images. These images are independent of graphics adapter and are also called device independent bitmap (DIB) file format. This independency serves the purpose of opening the file on multiple platforms such as Microsoft Windows and Mac. The BMP file format can store data as two-dimensional digital images in both monochrome as well as color format with various colour depths.
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