PSD’yi C# ile BMP’ye dönüştürün
.NET Photoshop API PSD & PSB Dönüşüm BMP dahil raster görüntüleri için
BMP olarak PSD Yüksek Kalite Render
- PSD ile yükleyin Image.Load yöntem
- Bir örneği oluşturun BMPoptions sınıf
- Aramak Image.Save yöntem
- Çıktı dosya adını ve BMPoptions nesnesini geçirin
.NET Photoshop API'sini Kullanmaya Başlayın
Komut satırından şu şekilde yükleyin nuget install Aspose.PSD
veya Visual Studio’nun Paket Yöneticisi Konsolu ile Install-Package Aspose.PSD
Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from i̇ndirilenler .
.NET C# Kodu PSD BMP Dönüşüm
PSD What is PSD File Format?
PSD, Photoshop Document, represents Adobe Photoshop’s native file format used for graphics designing and development. PSD files may include image layers, adjustment layers, layer masks, annotations, file information, keywords and other Photoshop-specific elements. Photoshop files have default extension as .PSD and has a maximum height and width of 30,000 pixels, and a length limit of two gigabytes.
Read MoreBMP What is BMP File Format?
Files having extension .BMP represent Bitmap Image files that are used to store bitmap digital images. These images are independent of graphics adapter and are also called device independent bitmap (DIB) file format. This independency serves the purpose of opening the file on multiple platforms such as Microsoft Windows and Mac. The BMP file format can store data as two-dimensional digital images in both monochrome as well as color format with various colour depths.
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