Merge image in Python

High-speed and cross-platform Python library for merging HTML to image using Python code

Voeg HTML samen met afbeelding met behulp van Aspose.Slides

Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET is a powerful Python library used to merge and manipulate presentations, HTML docs, and other files. When you merge HTML to image, you are effectively combining the contents in HTML documents to obtain a single image.

Merge HTML to image in Python

Using Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET , you can merge image files quickly with just a few lines of code

Python code for merging HTML to image

import aspose.slides as slides
import aspose.pydrawing as drawing

with slides.Presentation() as pres:

    for sld in pres.slides:
        bmp = sld.get_thumbnail(1, 1)"Slide_{num}.png".format(num=str(sld.slide_number)), drawing.imaging.ImageFormat.png)

How to merge HTML to image in Python

  1. Install Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET. See Installation .

  2. Voeg de bibliotheek toe als referentie in uw project.

  3. Maak een instantie van de klasse Presentatie.

  4. Laad de HTML-documenten die u wilt samenvoegen.

  5. Sla de resulterende afbeelding op.

PDF-bestanden online samenvoegen

PDF samenvoegen in Python

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