Freeze math formulas and graphics

Freeze equations and included graphics as raster images in LaTeX output


LaTeX is a typesetting system widely used to write mathematical equations, formulas, and symbols. But why would you prefer using it when it comes to creating equations:

  • LaTeX uses a specific syntax for mathematical equations.

  • It provides a wide range of mathematical symbols, operators, and structures that can be used to represent equations.

  • LaTeX offers various packages specifically designed for mathematical typesetting which extend the default LaTeX functionality and provide additional features, symbols, and environments for creating complex equations.

  • It allows you to align equations, specify equation numbers, control the formatting of mathematical expressions, etc.

  • LaTeX seamlessly integrates mathematical equations into surrounding text in paragraphs, as part of mathematical proofs or explanations, or in dedicated equation blocks. It automatically adjusts spacing and formatting.

  • LaTeX also allows including graphic files such as PDF, JPEG, or PNG. Aspose.TeX doesn't let you include PDF, but does allow XPS and PS/EPS inclusion.

The code presented here shows how you can save the output of your TeX/LaTeX files, with math formulas and included graphics frozen as raster images. This feature is used in TeX/LaTeX conversion, so if you want to convert the output file to a third format (say HTML), formulas and graphics will not be corrupted or distorted for sure. As we know, raster images are made up of a grid of pixels, and each pixel contains specific color information and when combined they form the complete image. These images are resolution-dependent and their quality is determined by the resolution. They are commonly used for photographs and complex, detailed graphics. Each image format has its own advantages and best use cases, and raster formats capture realistic and complex visuals, while vector images are well-suited for graphics that require scalability and easy editing

To run the examples we need:

  • The Aspose.TeX for .NET API which is a feature-rich, powerful, and easy-to-use document manipulation and conversion API for C# platform.

  • Open the NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.TeX and install it. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console:

Package Manager Console Command

PM> Install-Package Aspose.TeX

How to turn math formulas and included graphics to raster images in Aspose.TeX for .NET

Here are two examples showing how to turn certain elements of TeX output to raster images. The first one is for math formulas and the second is for included graphics. Both options are properties of the SaveOptions class.

C# code example: Turn math formulas to raster images

    // Create conversion options instance.
    // Create and assign saving options instance if needed.
    // Set to true if you want math formulas to be converted to raster images.
    options.SaveOptions.RasterizeFormulas = true;

C# code example: Turn included graphics to raster images

    // Create conversion options instance.
    // Create and assign saving options instance if needed.
    // Set to true if you want included graphics (if it contains vector elements) to be converted to raster images.
    options.SaveOptions.RasterizeIncludedGraphics = true;


1. How can I convert LaTeX math formulas to raster images?

Converting LaTeX math formulas to raster images via Aspose.TeX involves compiling the LaTeX code into a PDF file and then converting the resulting output to a raster image format such as PNG or JPEG.

2. Are there any considerations or limitations when converting math formulas and graphics to raster images in LaTeX?

When converting math formulas and graphics to raster images in LaTeX, it’s important to consider the resolution and image quality required for your specific application. Raster images are resolution-dependent, so higher resolution settings will result in larger file sizes but better image quality. Additionally, complex mathematical formulas or graphics may require higher resolution settings to preserve detail and legibility. It’s also essential to test the rasterized images to ensure they meet your requirements and display correctly in your document or application.

3. What are the advantages of converting math formulas and graphics to raster images in LaTeX?

Converting math formulas and graphics in LaTeX offers several advantages. It ensures consistency in the appearance of formulas and graphics across different document compilations and environments. Additionally, it reduces the computational overhead associated with rendering complex formulas and graphics, leading to faster document compilation times.

LaTeX What is LaTeX File Format

LaTeX is a TeX format if said briefly. LaTeX files are plain text files written in their own markup language. They may require the inclusion of other data like images and/or other LaTeX files. LaTeX provides you with plenty of advanced features to create tables, include graphics, write math equations and formulas, etc. All these features are available in so-called packages.