Update XLSB File via C++

Modify XLSB spreadsheets via your C++ based applications without installing Microsoft Office®.

XLSB Update via C# .NET XLSB Update via Java


For a programmer, who is trying to update XLSB files within C++ application, Aspose.Total for C++ API can help to automate the updating process. It’s a full package of different C++ libraries dealing multiple formats including Microsoft Excel documents. Aspose.Cells for C++ API that is part of Aspose.Total for C++ package makes this modifying process easy. Process of updating the XLSB document is simple by firstly accessing the sheet and then update cell value in excel using C++.

How to Update XLSB File in C++

  • Load the XLSB file using CreateIWorkbook
  • Access of relevant Worksheet using GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0) and relevant cell using GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex
  • Insert new data in the accessed cell using PutValue method
  • Save the file as .xlsb file using Save method by passing the file with path as the parameter

Modification Requirements

  • For XLSB modification, following system requirements for Windows and Linux systems
  • Install from command line as nuget install Aspose.Total.Cpp
  • Or via Package Manager Console of Visual Studio with Install-Package Aspose.Total.Cpp
  • Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from downloads

Code - Update XLSB File in C++


Explore File Editor Options with C++

Edit CSV (Comma Seperated Values)
Edit TSV (Tab-separated Values)
Edit XLS (Microsoft Excel Binary Format)
Edit XLSB (Excel Binary Workbook)
Edit XLSM (Macro-enabled Spreadsheet)
Edit XLSX (Open XML Workbook)
Edit XLT (Excel 97 - 2003 Template)
Edit XLTM (Excel Macro-Enabled Template)
Edit XLTX (Excel Template)