Java API to Export SVG to ODP

Export SVG to ODP via on premise Java API without using Microsoft® PowerPoint or Adobe® Acrobat Reader

SVG Conversion via C# .NET SVG Conversion via C++ SVG Conversion in Android Apps


Aspose.Total for Java is a comprehensive suite of components that enables developers to easily convert SVG to ODP within any Java J2SE, J2EE, or J2ME application. This suite of components provides a powerful and efficient way to manipulate documents, images, and other file formats.

The process of converting SVG to ODP begins with Aspose.PDF for Java. This component enables developers to export SVG to PPTX, which is the native format of Microsoft PowerPoint. Once the SVG file is converted to PPTX, the next step is to use Aspose.Slides for Java to convert the PPTX file to ODP. Aspose.Slides for Java is a PowerPoint Processing API that provides developers with a comprehensive set of features to manipulate PowerPoint documents. It enables developers to convert PPTX to ODP with ease.

Aspose.Total for Java also provides a number of other components that can be used to manipulate documents, images, and other file formats. These components include Aspose.Words for Java, Aspose.Cells for Java, Aspose.BarCode for Java, Aspose.Imaging for Java, and Aspose.Email for Java. All of these components are designed to make it easy for developers to create, edit, and manipulate documents, images, and other file formats.

In conclusion, Aspose.Total for Java is an ideal solution for developers who need to convert SVG to ODP within any Java J2SE, J2EE, or J2ME application. This suite of components provides a powerful and efficient way to manipulate documents, images, and other file formats. It enables developers to export SVG to PPTX and then convert PPTX to ODP with ease. Additionally, Aspose.Total for Java also provides a number of other components that can be used to manipulate documents, images, and other file formats.

Java API to Convert SVG to ODP

  1. Open SVG file using Document class
  2. Convert SVG to PPTX by using save method
  3. Load PPTX document by using Presentation class
  4. Save the document to ODP format using save method and set Odp as SaveFormat

Get Started with Java File Format APIs

You can easily use Aspose.Total for Java directly from a Maven based project and include Aspose.PDF for Java and Aspose.Slides for Java in your pom.xml.

Alternatively, you can get a ZIP file from downloads .

// load SVG file with an instance of Document class
Document document = new Document("template.svg");
// save SVG as PPTX format"PptxOutput.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); 
// instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPTX file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("PptxOutput.pptx");
// save the presentation as Odp format"output.odp", SaveFormat.Odp);   

Open Encrypted SVG File via Java

While loading SVG file format, your document might be password protected. Aspose.PDF for Java allows you open encrypted documents as well. In order to open the encrypted file, you can initialize new instance of the Document class and pass filename and password as arguments.

// open SVG document
Document doc = new Document("input.svg", "Your@Password");
// save SVG as PPTX format"PptxOutput.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); 

Save ODP File with Predefined View Type via Java

After converting SVG to ODP, you can also add predefined view type for your presentation. Aspose.Slides for Java provides a facility to set the view type for the generated presentation when it is opened in PowerPoint through the ViewProperties class. The setLastView property is used to set the view type by using the ViewType enumerator.

// instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPTX file
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("PptxOutput.pptx");
// set view type
presentation.getViewProperties().setLastView((byte) ViewType.SlideMasterView);
// save the presentation as Odp format"output.odp", SaveFormat.Odp);    

Explore SVG Conversion Options with Java

Convert SVG to OTP (OpenDocument Standard Format)
Convert SVG to POT (Microsoft PowerPoint Template Files)
Convert SVG to POTM (Microsoft PowerPoint Template File)
Convert SVG to POTX (Microsoft PowerPoint Template Presentation)
Convert SVG to POWERPOINT (Presentation Files)
Convert SVG to PPS (PowerPoint Slide Show)
Convert SVG to PPSM (Macro-enabled Slide Show)
Convert SVG to PPSX (PowerPoint Slide Show)
Convert SVG to PPT (PowerPoint Presentation)
Convert SVG to PPTM (Macro-enabled Presentation File)
Convert SVG to SWF (Shockwave Flash Movie)
Convert SVG to DOCM (Microsoft Word 2007 Marco File)
Convert SVG to DOT (Microsoft Word Template Files)
Convert SVG to DOTM (Microsoft Word 2007+ Template File)
Convert SVG to DOTX (Microsoft Word Template File)
Convert SVG to FLATOPC (Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML)
Convert SVG to GIF (Graphical Interchange Format)
Convert SVG to MARKDOWN (Lightweight Markup Language)
Convert SVG to ODT (OpenDocument Text File Format)
Convert SVG to OTT (OpenDocument Template)
Convert SVG to PCL (Printer Command Language)
Convert SVG to PS (PostScript File)
Convert SVG to RTF (Rich Text Format)
Convert SVG to WORDML (Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML)
Convert SVG to XAMLFLOW (Microsoft's Power Automate)
Convert SVG to CSV (Comma Seperated Values)
Convert SVG to DIF (Data Interchange Format)
Convert SVG to EXCEL (Spreadsheet File Formats)
Convert SVG to FODS (OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet)
Convert SVG to MD (Markdown Language)
Convert SVG to ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet)
Convert SVG to SXC (StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet)
Convert SVG to TSV (Tab-separated Values)
Convert SVG to TXT (Text Document)
Convert SVG to XLAM (Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In)
Convert SVG to XLSB (Excel Binary Workbook)
Convert SVG to XLSM (Macro-enabled Spreadsheet)
Convert SVG to XLT (Excel 97 - 2003 Template)