Efficiently searching and indexing the content of various document file formats provides users with the tools to boost productivity, streamline data retrieval, and enhance information management in organizational and application contexts. Boost the capabilities of your Java-based software or systems by enabling text-based document searches and creating indexes for swift and efficient retrieval of information across a wide spectrum of document file formats.
Key Reasons of Documents Search
- Information Retrieval
- Content Validation
- Content Summarization
- Text Analysis
- Data Extraction
- Document Organization
- Document Indexing
Search in Microsoft Excel Documents
We use Aspose.Cells for Java , a child API of Aspose.Total for Java designed for particular document manipulation features as well as tasks associated with retrieving and searching document content. Below code performs text search and replacements within an Excel workbook. It begins by loading an Excel file into a Workbook object. The code sets up replacement options using the ReplaceOptions class, specifying that the replacements should be case-insensitive and that partial cell content matches are allowed. It then initiates the text replacement process by invoking the replace method on the Workbook object. Furthermore, it enables regular expression matching by setting the regexKey to true, and replaces occurrences of the defined word. Finally, the updated workbook is saved. Moreover, Java Search API also supports PDF, Microsoft PowerPoint document search and other formats as well.