Enabling text search and content indexing for diverse document file formats empowers users to optimize productivity, streamline data retrieval, and enhance information management across organizations and applications. Enhance the functionality of your .NET-based software or systems by enabling text-based searches within documents and establishing indexes for the efficient retrieval of information from a diverse array of document file formats.
Key Reasons to Search in Documents
- Document Organization
- Information Retrieval
- Content Validation
- Content Summarization
- Text Analysis
- Data Extraction
- Document Indexing
Search PDF Documents
We use Aspose.PDF for .NET , a child API of Aspose.Total for .NET designed for particular document manipulation features as well as tasks associated with retrieving and searching document content. Below code snippet is written in C# to interact with a PDF document. It first sets up a regular expression pattern to search for sequences of non-whitespace characters within the document. Next, it accesses the first page of the PDF and employs a TextFragmentAbsorber to search for text on that page using the specified regular expression. The code then collects the discovered text fragments into a collection. Finally, it iterates through this collection and outputs each identified text fragment to the console. Essentially, this code snippet serves as a mechanism to extract and display specific text patterns from a PDF document. Moreover, .NET Search API also supports Microsoft Word document search and other formats as well.