Create DOC File using Python

Generate Word DOC Files via your Python Applications without installing Microsoft Office®.


For a developer, who is trying to create DOC files via Python application? Aspose.Total for Python via .NET API can help to automate the create process. It’s a full package of various APIs dealing different formats including Microsoft Office files and Images. Aspose.Words for Python via .NET API that is part of Aspose.Total for Python via .NET package makes this generation process easy. Moreover, developers can easily enhance the application for modification of DOC file.

How to Create DOC File in Python

Creation Requirements

  • For DOC document creation, Python 3.5 or later is required
  • Reference APIs within the project directly from PyPI ( Aspose.Words )
  • Or Use the following pip commands pip install aspose.words.
  • Moreover, Microsoft Windows or Linux based OS (see more for Words ) and for Linux check additional requirements for gcc and libpython and follow INSTALL

Create DOC in Python


Explore Options with Python

Generate DOC File (Microsoft Word Binary Format)
Generate DOCM File (Microsoft Word 2007 Marco File)
Generate DOCX File (Office 2007+ Word Document)
Generate DOT File (Microsoft Word Template Files)
Generate DOTM File (Microsoft Word 2007+ Template File)
Generate DOTX File (Microsoft Word Template File)
Generate RTF File (Rich Text Format)

What is DOC File Format?

The Microsoft Word Binary File Format (DOC) is a proprietary document file format employed by Microsoft Office Word. It represents a document structure that is independent of any specific computer architecture or operating system. The DOC format serves as a container file, utilizing a binary format to store various types of data, including formatted text, images, charts, and more. The binary nature of the DOC format renders it non-human-readable, but there exist several programs, such as Microsoft Word and LibreOffice, that can both read from and write to DOC files.

The DOC format was initially introduced in Word for Windows 2.0 back in 1987. It has undergone several revisions since then, with the most recent iteration being the Office Open XML format introduced in Office 2007. One of the key advantages of the DOC format lies in its compatibility with Microsoft Word, one of the most widely utilized word processing applications globally. This compatibility allows users to create and modify documents using Microsoft Word and conveniently share them with others who also utilize the application. Furthermore, many other word processing applications possess the capability to read from and write to the DOC format, making it a versatile choice for document sharing purposes.

The widespread adoption of the DOC format stems from its integration with Microsoft Word, providing users with a robust and feature-rich environment for creating and managing documents. The format’s flexibility extends beyond Microsoft Word, enabling users to work with DOC files using alternative word processing software. This versatility ensures seamless document collaboration and interchangeability among users, regardless of their chosen word processing application.