Rotate Documents using Python APIs

Rotate PDF documents within Python based application using Aspose.Total for Python via .NET.

 Rotate via C# .NET  Rotate via Java  Rotate via C++  Rotate in Android Apps


The need to rotate PDF files often depends on the source of the document, how it was created or scanned, and the specific requirements for viewing, sharing, or printing the content. Fortunately, rotating PDF pages is a straightforward process with various tools available to accommodate different preferences and needs.

Key Reasons of Document Rotation

  • Incorrect Orientation
  • Merging Different Orientations
  • Reviewing or Reading Preference
  • Correcting Scanning Errors
  • Preparing for Printing
  • Compliance with Standards

Rotate PDF Documents

Rotating PDF pages using Python is typically done for automation purposes or as part of a larger workflow. Here are a few reasons why you might want to rotate PDF pages using Python such as batch processing, integration with other processes, customization, consistency and scalability

Rotating document using Aspose.Total for Python via .NET offers a powerful and efficient way to rotate PDF pages without the need to write code from scratch:

Python Code - Rotate PDF Document Pages

import aspose.pdf as ap
doc = ap.Document(input_pdf)
for page in doc.pages:
r = page.media_box
newHeight = r.width
newWidth = r.height
newLLX = r.llx
newLLY = r.lly + (r.height - newHeight)
page.media_box = ap.Rectangle(newLLX, newLLY, newLLX + newWidth, newLLY + newHeight, True)
page.crop_box = ap.Rectangle(newLLX, newLLY, newLLX + newWidth, newLLY + newHeight, True)
page.rotate = ap.Rotation.ON90

Explore Rotate File Options with Python