Add Digital Signature to PDF via C#
Digital signature generation and verification using server-side Aspose.PDF for .NET APIs. Native and high performance library
How to add Digitally Sign to PDF File Using .NET Tool
In order to add digital signature in PDF file, we’ll use Aspose.PDF for .NET API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use document manipulation API for net platform. Open NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.PDF and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.
Add Digitally Sign to PDF via C#
You need Aspose.PDF for .NET to try the code in your environment.
- Load the PDF with an instance of Document.
- Load all the PDF files with full path.
- Set the style of text like font, font size, color etc.
- Save PDF file, You will get the document with signature inserted.
- To verify the validity of the signature use PdfFileSignature.VerifySigned() method.
Add Electronic Signature to a PDF File using - C#
This sample code shows how to Signature PDF Pages - C#
Input file:
File not added
File not added
Output format:
Output file: