Merge PCL to PDF via C++

Merge PCL documents into single formats PDF. Use Aspose.PDF for C++ to modify files programmatically

Merge PCL to PDF Using C++

How to merge PCL to PDF? With Aspose.PDF for C++ library you can easily merge PCL to PDF programmatically. PDF software from Aspose is ideal for individuals, and small or large businesses. Since it is able to process a large amount of information, perform the concatenation quickly and efficiently and protect your data. A peculiar feature from Aspose.PDF is an API for merging PCL to PDF.

Open NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.PDF and install. Check the details of Installing the Library on the Documentation pages. To verify the benefits of the library, try using the conversion PCL to PDF code snippet.

Package Manager Console

PM > Install-Package Aspose.PDF.Cpp

How to merge PCL to PDF via C++

C++ developers can easily load & merge PCL files to PDF in just a few lines of code.

  1. Initialize a new Document, and run a loop for merging files
  2. In loop: add a new page to PDF document
  3. In loop: add PCL file to new PDF page
  4. After the loop save the result

Here is an example that demonstrates how to merge PCL to PDF in C++. Combine multiple documents into a single file with ease. If you are developing code in C++, this task can be simpler than it sounds. You can use fully qualified filenames for both PCL reading and PDF writing. Check out this C++ example that show how to merge multiple documents of either the same or different file types into one file using C++

Merge PCL files using C++ and save as PDF

Example C++: this sample code shows PCL to PDF concatenation

Input file:

File not added

File not added

Output format:


Output file:

	// create empty pdf document
	outputDoc = MakeObject<Document>();

	// pcl files can be parsed and loaded as Aspose Document
	// suspend not critical errors
	opt1 = MakeObject<PclLoadOptions>();
	opt1->SupressErrors = true;
	firstDoc = MakeObject<Document>(u"1.pcl", opt1);
	secondDoc = MakeObject<Document>(u"2.pcl", opt1);

	// add page from one document to another directly
	for (auto const& page : firstDoc->get_Pages())
	for (auto const& page : secondDoc->get_Pages())

	// save result pdf to file
	outputDoc->Save(u"Merger_pcl_pdf.pdf", SaveFormat::Pdf);

C++ library to combine PCL to PDF

Aspose.PDF for C++ is a powerful processing library that enables developers to create, read and manipulate PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It provides a wide range of features such as creating forms, adding/editing text, manipulating PDF pages, adding annotations, handling custom fonts and much more.

Aspose.PDF for C++ is a library that enables the developers to add PDF processing capabilities to their applications. API can be used to build any type of 32-bit and 64-bit applications to generate or read, convert and manipulate PDF files without the use of Adobe Acrobat.

You can find detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for C++ library in the API reference. And also recommend to view a Documentation.