Work with Watermark in PDF via C++

Work with watermarks in PDF document programmatically using Aspose.PDF for C++ Library

Most popular action with Watermarks in C++

Add Watermark with C++ Library

In order to add Watermark to PDF File, we’ll use Aspose.PDF for C++ API, which is a feature-rich, powerful, and easy-to-use document manipulation API for the C++ platform. Open NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.PDF.Cpp and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console

PM > Install-Package Aspose.PDF.Cpp

Add Watermark using C++

You need Aspose.PDF for C++ to try the code in your environment.

  1. Load the PDF with an instance of Document.
  2. Create an instance of WatermarkArtifact.
  3. Set properties of WatermarkArtifact object.
  4. Add watermark using method Add of Aspose.Pdf.Page.Artifacts collection class.
  5. Save PDF file

Add Watermark in PDF - C++

This sample code shows how to add Watermark to PDF Pages - C++

Input file:

File not added

Output format:

Output file:

void GettingWatermarks() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");
    String inputFileName("watermark.pdf");
    String outputFileName("watermark_out.pdf");

    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + inputFileName);

    auto artifact = MakeObject<WatermarkArtifact>();
    auto textState = MakeObject<TextState>();
    artifact->SetTextAndState(u"WATERMARK", textState);
    artifact->set_ArtifactHorizontalAlignment (HorizontalAlignment::Center);
    artifact->set_ArtifactVerticalAlignment (VerticalAlignment::Center);


    document->Save(_dataDir + outputFileName);