How to Create PDF

Learn how easily create PDF documents with high quality using Python via .NET PDF library

How to create PDF with Python via .NET

In this article, we will show how to create a PDF document programmatically using Python and .NET. Let’s first understand what a PDF document is and why it is so useful!

What is PDF?

In 1991, Adobe embarked on a mission to transition from paper to digital documents. This led to the creation of the “Portable Document Format” (PDF). PDF have become a widely used file format for presenting and exchanging documents in a reliable manner, regardless of software, hardware, or operating system. Over time, PDF has evolved into an open standard maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

PDF offer more than just static content. They can contain dynamic elements such as links, buttons, form fields, audio, video, and even business logic. The objective was to enable users to not only create and capture documents from any application but also effortlessly share electronic versions of those documents anywhere. PDF can be viewed and printed on any type of computer, providing universal accessibility.

In the present day, PDF has become a comprehensive platform capable of accommodating diverse types of content. Alongside text and graphics, PDF can include interactive elements like links, form fields, layers, audio, video, and even 3D objects. Furthermore, PDF offer additional features such as encryption, digital signatures, file attachments, and metadata, empowering users with enhanced security and document management capabilities.

What is Python?

Python is a versatile programming language commonly employed for web development, software creation, task automation, and data analysis. In this context, we will harness the power of this high-level language to convert and extract text from PDF documents.

Working with PDF files and formatting them becomes very easy thanks to the Aspose.PDF for Python library function. All it takes is just a few lines of code to programmatically create and format a PDF file. For more information, please visit the Landing Pages

What is C#

A C# library also referred to as a .NET library, is a compilation of prewritten code and resources that developers can employ when creating applications using the C# programming language. These libraries consist of reusable components, classes, functions, and other programming constructs. For more ditails, please visit the Landing Pages of Aspose.PDF for .NET

How to create PDF

Create PDF

First of all, install the Aspose.PDF for Python Library

So, let’s move on to generating a PDF document. First, choose a Aspose.PDF for Python Library. To create a PDF document, next we need to install the Aspose.PDF for Python library. You can install it in the next way:

pip install aspose-pdf

Then create a new PDF Document Follow code snippet demonstrates how to use the Aspose.PDF library in Python to create a new PDF document, add a page, insert a text fragment with the content “Hello, world!”, and save the updated PDF to a file named “output.pdf”.

  • Include the namespace in your class file
  • Initialize the Document class object.
  • Add a page using pages.add() method.
  • Create a new TextFragment object and set its text.
  • Add TextFragment to the Paragraphs collection of the page.
  • Save the PDF using save() method

    import aspose.pdf as ap

	# Initialize document object
	document = ap.Document()
	# Add page
	page = document.pages.add()
	# Initialize textfragment object
	text_fragment = ap.text.TextFragment("Hello, world!")
	# Add text fragment to new page
	# Save updated PDF"output.pdf")

The Aspose.PDF library

The Aspose.PDF library allows developers to easily create PDF files in Python. To check all the features of the Python library, visit the Documentation Pages