Sposobnost za pregled PSD online je popularan servis, koji vam može pomoći da uštedite vrijeme i novac. Ne trebate Adobe Photoshop za otvaranje PSD datoteka. Ugrađena aplikacija pruža piksel-savršen psd pogled
You can reproduce the main functionality of this built-in app using Aspose.PSD for .NET
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName, new PsdLoadOptions() { ReadOnlyMode = true }))
// To get the pixel-perfect PSD File Image just use this code
image.Save(sourceFileName + ".png", new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });
You can download Aspose.PSD for .NET from Nuget package manager
You can reproduce the main functionality of this built-in app using Aspose.PSD for Java
public static void viewPSDasPNG(String sourceFileName) {
try {
PsdLoadOptions loadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions();
PsdImage image = null;
try {
image = (PsdImage) Image.load(sourceFileName, loadOptions);
image.save(sourceFileName + ".png", getTruecolorWithAlphaPngOptions());
} finally {
if (image != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
private static PngOptions getTruecolorWithAlphaPngOptions() {
PngOptions options = new PngOptions();
return options;
You can download Aspose.PSD for Java from Aspose Repository
Check the following list of documentation links:
Please check the offical documentation https://docs.aspose.com/psd/
This App is completely free, but it just a small piece of functionality that offers for you Aspose.PSD library. You can make your own app with any functionality of Aspose.PSD. If you can not find needed feature in Aspose.PSD, you can post on PSD Support Forum. The great support, different priceing plans, prioritized bug fixes and feature releasing for the Paid Support Customers.
List of Aspose.PSD versions for different configurations |
Aspose.PSD for .NET | Aspose.PSD for Java |
 |  |
Aspose.PSD for .NET has the version for the most popular .NET versions including: .NET Framework 2, 3.5, 4.0, 4.0CP, .netstandard 2, .NET 5, 6, 7. Version of .NET Library for .NET 7 is suitable for the mobile development | Aspose.PSD for Java made on the Java 1.6, so it can be used in the any popular Java configurations. It's suitable for Cross-platform developement |
Official Aspose.PSD for .NET page | Official Aspose.PSD for Java page |
Aspose.PSD for .NET Pricing plans | Aspose.PSD for Java Pricing plans |
Please check the support forum. Where you can feel the real customer care |
Značajke preglednika Aspose.PSD spremne su za oblak i mogu se koristiti na Windows, Linux i Mac poslužiteljima. On-premise rješenje je dostupno za Java i najnoviju verziju .Net kao i .Net Framework 2.0 +
Ako trebate pogledati PSD, PSB ili AI u određenom formatu, provjerite sljedeće ugrađene gledatelje. Većina gledatelja je savršena za piksele, ali ako vam je potrebna puna snaga PSD formata, provjerite Aspose.PSD API visokog koda