Convertir PSD a JPEG a través de C#
API .NET Photoshop para conversión de PSD y PSB a imágenes rasterizadas, incluido JPEG
Representación de alta calidad de PSD como JPEG
- Cargue el PSD con Imagen. Cargar método
- Crea una instancia de Opciones JPEG clase
- Llamada Imagen. Guardar método
- Pase el nombre de archivo de salida y el objeto de JPEGOptions
Comience con la API .NET Photoshop
Instalar desde la línea de comandos como nuget install Aspose.PSD
o mediante la consola de gestión de paquetes de Visual Studio con Install-Package Aspose.PSD
Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from descargas .
Código.NET C# para la conversión de PSD a JPEG
PSD What is PSD File Format?
PSD, Photoshop Document, represents Adobe Photoshop’s native file format used for graphics designing and development. PSD files may include image layers, adjustment layers, layer masks, annotations, file information, keywords and other Photoshop-specific elements. Photoshop files have default extension as .PSD and has a maximum height and width of 30,000 pixels, and a length limit of two gigabytes.
Read MoreJPEG What is JPEG File Format?
A JPEG is a type of image format that is saved using the method of lossy compression. The output image, as result of compression, is a trade-off between storage size and image quality. Users can adjust the compression level to achieve the desired quality level while at the same time reduce the storage size. Image quality is negligibly affected if 10:1 compression is applied to the image. The higher the compression value, the higher the degradation in image quality.
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