Render XML to PPTM via .NET

.NET API to Export XML to PPTM on Windows, macOS, and Linux without using Microsoft® PowerPoint

XML Conversion via Java XML Conversion via C++ XML Conversion in Android Apps


Aspose.Total for .NET is a powerful package of File Format Automation APIs that makes it easy to Render XML to PPTM in two simple steps. The first step is to use the PDF Processing API, Aspose.PDF for .NET, to transform the XML file format to PPTX. This API provides a wide range of features that allow you to manipulate PDF documents, including the ability to convert XML to PPTX.

Once the XML file is converted to PPTX, the second step is to use the Presentation Processing API, Aspose.Slides for .NET, to convert the PPTX to PPTM. This API provides a comprehensive set of features for creating, editing, and manipulating presentations, including the ability to convert PPTX to PPTM. It also offers a range of features for working with charts, shapes, and text, as well as the ability to add animations and transitions.

Using Aspose.Total for .NET, you can easily Render XML to PPTM in two simple steps. The PDF Processing API, Aspose.PDF for .NET, can be used to convert XML to PPTX, and the Presentation Processing API, Aspose.Slides for .NET, can be used to convert PPTX to PPTM. This package of File Format Automation APIs provides a comprehensive set of features for creating, editing, and manipulating presentations, making it easy to Render XML to PPTM.

.NET API to Convert XML to PPTM

  1. Open XML file using Document class
  2. Convert XML to PPTX by using Save method
  3. Load PPTX file by using Presentation class
  4. Save the document to PPTM format using Save method and set Pptm as SaveFormat

Get Started with .NET File Format APIs

Install from command line as nuget install Aspose.Total or via Package Manager Console of Visual Studio with Install-Package Aspose.Total.

Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from downloads .

Document document = new Document("input.xml");
// save XML as a PPTX 
document.Save("PptxOutput.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); 
// load PPTX with an instance of Presentation
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("PptxOutput.pptx");
// call save method while passing SaveFormat.Pptm
presentation.Save("output.pptm", SaveFormat.Pptm);   

Get XMP Metadata from XML File via .NET

While converting XML to PPTM, you might need extra XMP metadata information to prioritize your batch conversion process. For example you can get and sort your conversion documents based on creation date and process the documents accordingly. Aspose.PDF for .NET allows you to access a XML file’s XMP metadata. To get a XML file’s metadata, you can create a Document object and open the input XML file. After that, you can get the file’s metadata using the Metadata property.

Document doc = new Document("input.xml");
// get XML XMP properties

Create Read Only PPTM File via .NET

By using Aspose.Slides for .NET API, you can further enhance the features of your conversion application. One of the feature can be to create your output file read only to increase security. The API allows you to set your PPTM file to Read-Only, which means users (after they open the presentation) see the Read-Only recommendation.

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("PptxOutput.pptx");
// make PPTM read only
presentation.ProtectionManager.ReadOnlyRecommended = true;
// call save method while passing SaveFormat.Pptm
presentation.Save("output.pptm", SaveFormat.Pptm);     

Explore XML Conversion Options with .NET

Convert XML to CSV (Comma Seperated Values)
Convert XML to DIF (Data Interchange Format)
Convert XML to EXCEL (Spreadsheet File Formats)
Convert XML to FODS (OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet)
Convert XML to MD (Markdown Language)
Convert XML to ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet)
Convert XML to SXC (StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet)
Convert XML to TSV (Tab-separated Values)
Convert XML to TXT (Text Document)
Convert XML to XLAM (Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In)
Convert XML to XLSB (Excel Binary Workbook)
Convert XML to XLSM (Macro-enabled Spreadsheet)
Convert XML to XLT (Excel 97 - 2003 Template)
Convert XML to XLTM (Excel Macro-Enabled Template)
Convert XML to XLTX (Excel Template)
Convert XML to ODP (OpenDocument Presentation Format)
Convert XML to OTP (OpenDocument Standard Format)
Convert XML to POT (Microsoft PowerPoint Template Files)
Convert XML to POTM (Microsoft PowerPoint Template File)
Convert XML to POTX (Microsoft PowerPoint Template Presentation)
Convert XML to POWERPOINT (Presentation Files)
Convert XML to PPS (PowerPoint Slide Show)
Convert XML to PPSM (Macro-enabled Slide Show)
Convert XML to PPSX (PowerPoint Slide Show)
Convert XML to PPT (PowerPoint Presentation)
Convert XML to SWF (Shockwave Flash Movie)