Make PDF or Word documents in Python

Create a new document in almost any format programmatically using our high fidelity Python library

Using our programming API, Python via .NET developers can easily make a document in PDF, DOC, DOCX, HTML, EPUB, and many other formats with just a few lines of code.

View code snippet

Make a document using Python

With the given powerful API, Python developers can create documents in almost any format. To do this, you need to follow a few steps using our Python via .NET library:

  1. Add file name
  2. Start creating a document using Python
  3. Save the created document in the selected format

It is worth noting that a blank document is technically supposed to contain one paragraph, so when you programmatically create a document, you will get exactly that basic document structure.

Note that you can instantly add content to a newly created document. Thus, you will get not just an empty document, but a document containing the necessary content. For more information on how to edit a document, see the Editing page.

Create a document in Python programmatically

The given Python via .NET library allows you to programmatically create a document in any supported format – PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT, EPUB, HTML and other.

Try our powerful functionality and see how to create a document in some formats using the following example:

Make a new document using Python
Select the target format from the list
Run code
pip install aspose-words
import aspose.words as aw

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

font = builder.font = "Courier New"
font.color =
font.size = 36
font.highlight_color = drawing.Color.yellow

builder.write("Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.")

import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output.docx") import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions() save_options.outline_options.bookmarks_outline_levels.add("Aspose bookmark", 1); doc.Save("Output.docx", save_options);
import aspose.words as aw

doc = aw.Document()

run = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed.")
para = doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph

comment = aw.Comment(doc) = "John Doe"
comment.initial = "JD"
comment.date_time =
comment.set_text("Quisque fringilla leo.")

commentRangeStart = aw.CommentRangeStart(doc,
commentRangeEnd = aw.CommentRangeEnd(doc,

run.parent_node.insert_before(commentRangeStart, run)
run.parent_node.insert_after(commentRangeEnd, run)
commentRangeEnd.parent_node.insert_after(comment, commentRangeEnd)

comment.add_reply("Jane Doe", "JD",, "Pellentesque vel sapien justo.")"Output.docx")
import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output.docx") import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions() save_options.outline_options.bookmarks_outline_levels.add("Aspose bookmark", 1); doc.Save("Output.docx", save_options);
import aspose.words as aw

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ")
secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.")

builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark")
# If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph.
if (secondRun.next_sibling != None):
builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark")

import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output.docx") import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions() save_options.outline_options.bookmarks_outline_levels.add("Aspose bookmark", 1); doc.Save("Output.docx", save_options);
import aspose.words as aw

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

shape = builder.insert_chart(aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.PIE, 432, 252)
chart = shape.chart
chart.title.text = "Demo Chart"

chart.series.add("Series 1",
    ["Category1", "Category2", "Category3"],
    [2.7, 3.2, 0.8])"Output.docx")
import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output.docx") import aspose.words as aw doc = aw.Document() builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc) firstRun = aw.Run(doc, "Proin eros metus, sagittis sed. ") secondRun = aw.Run(doc, "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a.") doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(firstRun) doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph.append_child(secondRun) builder.move_to(secondRun) builder.start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # If NextSibling is null, then most likely this is the last Run in the Paragraph. if (secondRun.next_sibling != None): builder.move_to(secondRun.next_sibling) else: builder.move_to(secondRun.parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions() save_options.outline_options.bookmarks_outline_levels.add("Aspose bookmark", 1); doc.Save("Output.docx", save_options);
Run code

How to to make a document in Python

  1. Install Aspose.Words for Python via .NET
  2. Add a library reference (import the library) to your Python project
  3. Create a new document
  4. Call the save() method, passing the file name
  5. Get the result as a separate file

Python library to create documents

We host our Python packages in PyPi repositories. Please follow the step-by-step instructions on how to install "Aspose.Words for Python via .NET" to your developer environment.

System Requirements

This package is compatible with Python ≥3.5 and <3.12. If you develop software for Linux, please have a look at additional requirements for gcc and libpython in Product Documentation.

Most popular file formats


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