Převést PSD na PNG přes C#

.NET Photoshop API pro PSD a PSB Konverze na rastrové obrázky včetně PNG

Vysoce kvalitní vykreslování PSD jako PNG

  1. Načíst PSD pomocí Image.Načíst metoda
  2. Vytvořte instanci Možnosti PngOptions třída
  3. Zavolejte Obrázek.Uložit metoda
  4. Předat název výstupního souboru a objekt PngOptions

Začínáme s rozhraním NET Photoshop API

Instalace z příkazového řádku jako nuget install Aspose.PSD nebo pomocí konzoly Správce balíčků aplikace Visual Studio s Install-Package Aspose.PSD.

Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from ke stažení .

.NET C# kód pro PSD na konverzi PNG

using (var image = new Image.Load("template.psd"))
var options = new PngOptions();
image.Save("output.png", options);

PSD What is PSD File Format?

PSD, Photoshop Document, represents Adobe Photoshop’s native file format used for graphics designing and development. PSD files may include image layers, adjustment layers, layer masks, annotations, file information, keywords and other Photoshop-specific elements. Photoshop files have default extension as .PSD and has a maximum height and width of 30,000 pixels, and a length limit of two gigabytes.

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PNG What is PNG File Format?

PNG, Portable Network Graphics, refers to a type of raster image file format that use loseless compression. This file format was created as a replacement of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and has no copyright limitations. However, PNG file format does not support animations. PNG file format supports loseless image compression that makes it popular among its users. With the passage of time, PNG has evolved as one of the mostly used image file format.

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Other Conversion Options

PSD TO BMP (Bitmap Image File)
PSD TO GIF (Graphical Interchange Format)
PSD TO JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)
PSD TO JP2 (JPEG 2000 Core Image)
PSD TO PDF (Portable Document Format)
PSD TO TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)