Microsoft® Project Files Conversion Via C++
Convert Microsoft® Project MPT, MPP, MPX to HTML, Excel, PDF and PNG, BMP, JPG, TIFF Images to build C++ applications.
Project manager can easily manage, organize, tackle progess, assign resources, and plan workloads to meet the demands of business with powerful and easy-to-use Microsoft Project app. And without installing the app, same tasks can be preformed using C++ application by integrating the API within the software using source code below. API not only deals with Microsoft Project formats like MPP, MPT, MPX but also converts to other formats including HTML, Excel, PDF and images.
Convert Microsoft Project MPP, MPT, MPX to PDF Files
C++ poject management API is capable of rendering Project files to PDF. Process is, Load file via Project class and call the Save method while passing the PDF file and SaveFileFormat::PDF as parameters. Programmers can use PdfSaveOptions for defining additional options during rendering project pages to PDF.
C++ Code for Microsoft Project to PDF Conversion
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Project> projecttoPDF = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Tasks::Project>(dataDir + u"template.mpp"); | |
// save project in PDF format | |
projecttoPDF->Save(dataDir + u"saveas.pdf", Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat::PDF); |
Microsoft Project to Images Conversion
For any Microsoft Project files automation scenarios including converting project data to images JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF is simple, and API made it easy for all C++ applications. Images conversion process is similar as of PDF, Just load the document via Project class and call the Save method by providing appropriate image format. Moreover, API provides ImageSaveOptions for specifying additional options when rendering project data to various vector and raster images.
C++ Code for Converting Microsoft Project to Image Formats
System::SharedPtr<Project> mpptoImage = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"CreateProject2.mpp"); | |
// For manipulating JPG quality, use ImageSaveOptions.JpegQuality property. | |
// The allowed value range is 0..100. | |
auto options = [&]{ auto tmp_0 = System::MakeObject<ImageSaveOptions>(Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat::JPEG); tmp_0->set_JpegQuality(50); return tmp_0; }(); | |
mpptoImage->Save(dataDir + u"image_out.jpeg", System::StaticCast<Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveOptions>(options)); |
Convert Microsoft Project to HTML File
Conversion process is same as of other formats with the exception of HTML file extension and HTML SaveFileFormat as parameter within the Save method. For specific saving options, programmers can use HtmlSaveOptions and provide the finalized options as parameter within Save method. Moreover, developers can save fonts, images and CSS styles separately.
C++ Code for Microsoft Project to HTML Conversion
System::SharedPtr<Project> mpptohtml = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"ProjectFile.mpp"); | |
System::SharedPtr<HtmlSaveOptions> HtmlOptions = System::MakeObject<HtmlSaveOptions>(); | |
mpptohtml->Save(dataDir + u"save-project-data-as-html_out.html", HtmlOptions); |
Convert Project Data to Excel File
Sometimes it is needed to keep track of all planned work, so there is need to convert project data to Excel XLSX files. API let’s this happen with ease. For saving project data to Excel documents, API provides XlsxOptions Class for specific settings before conversion. So load the file, invole the Save method and provides XLSX options as parameters.
C++ Code for Microsoft Project to XLSX Conversion
// Read the input Project file | |
System::SharedPtr<Project> projectToxlsx = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"dataFile.mpp"); | |
System::SharedPtr<XlsxOptions> options = System::MakeObject<XlsxOptions>(); | |
// Add desired Gantt Chart columns | |
System::SharedPtr<GanttChartColumn> column = System::MakeObject<GanttChartColumn>(u"WBS", 100, &UsingXlsxOptions::_anonymous_method_0); | |
options->get_View()->get_Columns()->Add(column); | |
// Add desired resource view columns | |
System::SharedPtr<ResourceViewColumn> rscCol = System::MakeObject<ResourceViewColumn>(u"Cost center", 100, &UsingXlsxOptions::_anonymous_method_1); | |
options->get_ResourceView()->get_Columns()->Add(rscCol); | |
// Add desired assignment view columns | |
System::SharedPtr<AssignmentViewColumn> assnCol = System::MakeObject<AssignmentViewColumn>(u"Notes", 200, &UsingXlsxOptions::_anonymous_method_2); | |
options->get_AssignmentView()->get_Columns()->Add(assnCol); | |
projectToxlsx->Save(dataDir + u"save-as-xlsx_out.xlsx", options); |