Use our document conversion API to develop high-level, platform independent software for .NET and .NET Core platforms. This is a professional software solution to import and export image, HTML, and many other document formats using C#, F#, VB.NET.
Need to convert an image to HTML file programmatically? With Aspose.Words for .NET any developer can easily transform images into HTML format with just a few lines of C# code.
Modern image-processing C# API creates HTML from images with high speed. Test the quality of image to HTML conversion right in a browser. Powerful C# library allows converting pictures to many popular document formats.
The following example demonstrates how to convert an image to HTML in C#.
Follow the easy steps to turn a picture into HTML format. Read an image from the local drive, then simply save it as HTML file, specifying the required document format by HTML extension. For both image reading and HTML writing you can use fully qualified filenames. The output HTML content will be the same as the source image.
dotnet add package Aspose.Words
using Aspose.Words;
var doc = new Document();
var builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
using Aspose.Words;
var doc = new Document("Input.png");
using Aspose.Words;
var doc = new Document("Input.png");
for (int page = 0; page < doc.PageCount; page++)
var extractedPage = doc.ExtractPages(page, 1);
extractedPage.Save($"Output_{page + 1}.html");
using Aspose.Words;
var doc = new Document();
var builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
using Aspose.Words;
var doc = new Document();
var builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
var shape = builder.InsertImage("Input.png");
shape.GetShapeRenderer().Save("Output.html", new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.html));
There are three alternative options to install "Aspose.Words for .NET" onto your system. Please choose one that resembles your needs and follow the step-by-step instructions:
Our product is fully cross-platform and supports all major .NET implementations:
As far as .NET code doesn't depend on the underlying hardware or operating system, but only on a Virtual Machine, you are free to develop any kind of software for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux. Just make sure you have installed the corresponding version of .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono or Xamarin.
We recommend using Microsoft Visual Studio, Xamarin, and MonoDevelop integrated development environments to create C#, F#, VB.NET applications.
Fore more details please refer to Product Documentation.
You can convert image to many other file formats: