Convert PUB to PDF. Unlock the power of PUB files!

Publisher to PDF Converter. С# .NET API effortless conversion and sharing functionality.


Created a stunning newsletter or brochure in Microsoft Publisher? Now you need to share it with the world. But there's a hurdle: PUB files can only be opened with Publisher itself. Our innovative .NET PUB to PDF Converter empowers you to bridge the gap. Effortlessly convert your PUB creations into universally accessible PDF format, all within your .NET applications.

Share your PUB content with anyone – no need for them to have Publisher installed. PDFs are supported on all modern devices and can be opened in most browsers. Our C# library seamlessly integrates into your existing .NET projects, allowing for automated conversion workflows. Handle single or multi-page PUB files with ease.

Stop limiting your reach! Download the .NET PUB to PDF Converter today and unlock the full potential of your PUB files.

PUB to PDF Conversion on .NET

  1. Load PUB file using CreateParser() Method of PubFactory Class.
  2. Parse file by means of Parse() Method of IPubParser Interface.
  3. Convert PUB to PDF via ConvertToPdf() Method of IPdfConverter Interface.

Get Started with .NET PUB API

  1. Install from command line as nuget install Aspose.PUB or via Package Manager Console of Visual Studio with Install-Package Aspose.PUB.
  2. Alternatively, get the offline MSI installer or DLLs in a ZIP file from downloads .

.NET C# Code for PUB to PDF Conversion

    using Aspose.PUB;
    // Load PUB file
    var parser = PubFactory.CreateParser("");
    // Parse file 
    var doc = parser.Parse();
    // Convert PUB to PDF
    Aspose.Pub.PubFactory.CreatePdfConverter().ConvertToPdf(doc, "output.pdf");

PUB to PDF Conversion is a required step in PUB to any other format Conversion. After it, the transformed file could be converted into the needed format.

You can also try [PUB to PDF]( cross-platform application. It has a very simple interface and the process will take only a few seconds.

The solution allows you: Transform multiple Publisher files, convert PUB to PDF, and save converted documents on your device.


1. Can I convert PUB to PDF?

For such a purpose you only need to convert PUB to PDF programmatically using this .NET API or transform your files online by means of the web Converter application.

2. Can I open a Publisher File in Word?

To convert PUB to WORD use the web Converter application.

3. Is the functionality free?

The cross-platform Converters are free when for the API solution you can get a free Trial and then buy the product if needed.


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