Java API to Render EMAIL to IMAGE

Export EMAIL to IMAGE by using on premise Java API without using any third party dependencies

MSG Conversion via Python MSG Conversion via C# .NET MSG Conversion via C++ MSG Conversion in Android Apps

How to Render EMAIL to IMAGE Using Java

Email conversion is a powerful feature that Java developers can integrate within any Java J2SE, J2EE, J2ME applications via Aspose.Total for Java . By using two APIs within the package you can convert Email EMAIL to IMAGE without any third party dependencies. Firstly, you can use Email Manipulation API Aspose.Email for Java to convert EMAIL file format to HTML. Secondly, you can render HTML to IMAGE by using Document Processing API Aspose.Words for Java .

EMAIL to IMAGE Conversion on Java

  1. Open EMAIL file using MailMessage class
  2. Convert EMAIL to HTML by using save method
  3. Load HTML by using Document class
  4. Save the document to PNG format using save method and set PNG as SaveFormat

Get Started with Java File Format APIs

You can easily use Aspose.Total for Java directly from a Maven based project and include Aspose.Words for Java and Aspose.Email for Java in your pom.xml.

Alternatively, you can get a ZIP file from downloads .

Java Code for EMAIL to IMAGE Rendering

MailMessage message = MailMessage.load("sourceFile.msg"); 
// save EMAIL as a HTML"HtmlOutput.html", SaveOptions.getDefaultHtml());
// load HTML with an instance of Document
Document document = new Document("HtmlOutput.html");
// call save method while passing SaveFormat.PNG"output.png", SaveFormat.PNG);   

Explore EMAIL Conversion Options with Java

Convert MSG to BMP (Bitmap Image File)
Convert MSG to DOC (Microsoft Word Binary Format)
Convert MSG to DOCM (Microsoft Word 2007 Marco File)
Convert MSG to DOCX (Office 2007+ Word Document)
Convert MSG to DOT (Microsoft Word Template Files)
Convert MSG to DOTM (Microsoft Word 2007+ Template File)
Convert MSG to DOTX (Microsoft Word Template File)
Convert MSG to EMF (Enhanced Metafile Format)
Convert MSG to EPUB (Open eBook File)
Convert MSG to FLATOPC (Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML)
Convert MSG to GIF (Graphical Interchange Format)
Convert MSG to PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
Convert MSG to JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)
Convert MSG to MD (Markdown Language)
Convert MSG to ODT (OpenDocument Text File Format)
Convert MSG to OTT (OpenDocument Template)
Convert MSG to PCL (Printer Command Language)
Convert MSG to PDF (Portable Document Format)
Convert MSG to PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
Convert MSG to PS (PostScript File)
Convert MSG to RTF (Rich Text Format)
Convert MSG to SVG (Scalar Vector Graphics)
Convert MSG to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
Convert MSG to DOCX (Office 2007+ Word Document)
Convert MSG to WORDML (Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML)
Convert MSG to XPS (XML Paper Specifications)

What is EMAIL File Format?

An email file adheres to a specific format that is recognized by email programs. It comprises a header section and a body section, separated by a blank line. The header contains essential information such as the sender’s email address, recipient’s email address, subject of the email, and the date and time it was sent. The body of the email contains the actual message being conveyed. Email files can exist in either plain text or HTML format. However, HTML emails have become more prevalent in recent times due to their ability to incorporate images and other formatting elements.

The header of an email file provides crucial metadata that aids in routing and organizing messages. It allows the email program to identify the sender, recipient, subject, and timestamp. The body section contains the content of the email, which may include text, images, hyperlinks, and other media elements. While plain text emails are simple and accessible across various devices and email clients, HTML emails offer more design flexibility and interactivity.

With the widespread usage of HTML emails, senders can create visually appealing and engaging messages. HTML emails allow for the inclusion of branding elements, formatting styles, and multimedia content, thereby enhancing the overall presentation and user experience.

What is IMAGE File Format?

Image files are computer files specifically designed to store digital images. These files come in various types, such as bitmap, JPEG, GIF, and TIFF, each with its own characteristics and applications. The file type determines the software program used to open and view the image.

Bitmap files, also known as raster images, consist of a grid of individual pixels, each assigned a specific color value. When viewed from a distance, these pixels blend together to create a cohesive image. Bitmap files tend to be large in size due to the amount of detailed information they contain.

JPEG files are compressed image files that utilize a mathematical algorithm to reduce file size while preserving image quality. This makes them ideal for storing and sharing photos online, as they can be efficiently compressed without significant loss of quality.

GIF files, another type of compressed image format, employ a different algorithm than JPEG. GIF files can store more colors and produce better image quality, but they are limited to a maximum of 256 colors, making them less suitable for storing high-quality images. GIF files are commonly used for animated images and simple graphics.

TIFF files, on the other hand, are uncompressed image files. They do not utilize any compression algorithms, resulting in larger file sizes compared to other image formats. TIFF files are typically used for storing high-quality images that require editing or printing.

Each image file format serves different purposes and is suited for specific use cases. Bitmap files are detailed but large, JPEG files offer efficient compression, GIF files are suitable for animations and simple graphics, and TIFF files provide uncompressed, high-quality images.