Aspose.Tasks for C++ is a native Project Management Library for C++ developers to load, create, manipulate and save Microsoft Project documents to multiple formats without using Microsoft Project or Office Automation. API exposes data for reporting in a number of ways including Gantt Chart, Task Usage, Resource Usage, and Resource Sheet among many others.

The C++ project management library offers complete tracking capabilities, definition, and planning allowing the developers to create and load tasks as well as remove or assign resources to or from tasks from their own applications.

Advanced C++ Project Management API Features

Create, read and manipulate Microsoft Project files

Read MPP files and update its summary information

Update main and default project settings

Define weekdays for project, calendar and calendar exceptions

Read and write calendars for tasks and resources

Handle task baseline scheduling, duration, and constraints

Define resource assignment & allocation

Support for the encoding of MPX files

Export to PDF, HTML, Images and more formats

Export Microsoft Project Data to Various Formats

Aspose.Tasks for C++ exposes data in both MPP and XML formats as well as PDF, HTML for universal distribution of information, CSV, TXT, XLS, XLSX, WBS to any of the standard images and MPT formats. Furthermore, while exporting data to HTML, it exports the fonts, images and CSS styles to separate files.

Export Project Data to Primavera XML, XER and MPX Format - C++

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Project> pjc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Tasks::Project>(dataDir + u"template.mpp");

// save project in desired format

pjc->Save(dataDir + u"output_PrimaveraP6XML.xml", Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat::PrimaveraP6XML);

pjc->Save(dataDir + u"output_PrimaveraXER.mpp", Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat::PrimaveraXER);

pjc->Save(dataDir + u"output_MPX.xml", Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat::MPX);

API has built-in rendering engine for rendering to the Microsoft Project with the highest of fidelity. Using the project rendering engine, developers can convert project data to various vector and raster images.

Setting up the Project Properties

To speed up the process of setting up a project, API lets users set default, general properties such as metadata, calendar, and currency properties. Default properties include when a new task starts and finishes, the default overtime, standard pay rates and more. API allows to read and set general project properties such as the project's start and end dates, the current date, the status date, the type of calendar used and when a project is scheduled from. Moreover, API also saves summary information including keywords, subject, comments and more.

As for currency properties are concerned, the library supports setting the currency code, numbers after the decimal point and currency symbol so that it is easy to read the costs. Reading and writing the fiscal year and weekday properties are also supported.

Tasks Management in an Easy Way

API is capable of handling tasks within a Microsoft Project file using its rich set of classes. It can easily manage task baseline scheduling, budget assessment, duration and constraints on tasks as well as create and manage links between these. Furthermore, API allows developers to read, change and create tasks, milestones, estimated critical or effort driven tasks.


Aspose.Tasks offers individual APIs for popular development environments as listed below: